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    Sega32x On Dr.megadrive?

    Firstly, we have an absolutely amazing Doom port for the GP32 anyway... so what were you doing trying to run Doom 32X? :P
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    What's The Best Version Of Lemmings?

    I have the ripped amiga mods here on my PC... they sound nothing compared to the ripped .SPC files from the SNES ROM.
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    What's The Best Version Of Lemmings?

    Nope, because the PC version and the Amiga version have inferior music to the SNES version. :)
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    What's The Best Version Of Lemmings?

    In a perfect world, the best version would be the SNES version - by far the best sound/music of any of the lemmings versions. I haven't played the MD version, but would assume whilst the music would be inferior, it must give a good account of itself. :)
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    Blue Angelo Contest

    Waaayyy to expensive unfortunately. The only way it will sell is if the game is actually amazing. If it's only "good" then i have a feeling it won't perform commercially.
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    Smartphones Versus Portable Games Consoles

    That's what I mean - you'd hope that eventually they'd create a device that can do everything, and everything well.
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    Smartphones Versus Portable Games Consoles

    The idea behind the n-gage was sound - however the actual execution was poor. Screen size and resolution as well as issues with the way you had to talk on the phone itself.
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    Smartphones Versus Portable Games Consoles

    You have your new generation of games consoles coming out, of which the GP32 was probably the first, based around common architecture, as well as being able to play a variety of media (Zodiac, PSP et al). Question is, phones are evolving in the same direction, but from the other side...
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    Gp32 Battery Swap Question...

    700mAh really isn't very much, when most good rechargeables are 2000 or more these days. :)
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    Good Racing Game

    Rock 'n' Roll Racing is absolutely superb. Shame it runs so slow with sound on, because the soundtrack on the game is absolutely awesome.
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    Holy S**t Check This Huge Lot Up For Sale!!!!!&#33

    Would be a good lot to buy if you were a games shop... $11,500 works out to about £6000 or so, so quite a bargain really.
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    Collectable N64 Mags? Anyone Know Anything?

    I have every issue of Super Play (predecessor and superior in many ways to N64 magazine) and upto issue 12 of N64 magazine. B)
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    Commercial Games.

    I'd say Pinball Dreams is worth the cash.... although there's probably a free version available to play on fgen, it's nice to support the developers and it's only about £3.
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    Will It Ever Change From Smart Media?

    Compact Flash cards have a lot of the controller circuitry onboard, hence the physical size of them, and hence there being no upwards limit to the size they can be in terms of megabytes.
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    The On-going Flu/blu Saga

    Sometimes on LCD screens it's been known for some of the pixels and sub-pixels to "stick".
  16. D

    How Well Is The Blu Selling?

    You don't make money selling most hardware. Microsoft and Sony for example make losses on their hardware, however Nintendo actually makes a profit on every Gamecube unit. We have no idea how much a GP32 costs to produce, so you shouldn't really assume...
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    Gamepark 32 And Zodiac

    At the moment, as things stand if you were to freeze everything in time, the GP32 would be better than the Zodiac. The Zodiac has a lot of potential, it's a nice system with some cool features - whether it's actually realise it's potential or not is another question. The GP32 has great games...
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    Free Porn!!??

    85kbps is OK for south park and the like, might wanna try 100kbps for real-life movies. :o
  19. D

    Another Virtualdub Guide

    I've seen this guide, it's for PPC but alot of the principles are helpful when encoding for the GP32 such as multi-pass encoding and splitting files into pieces. :)
  20. D

    Free Porn!!??

    No, you can definitely get 1 hour of video onto around 60MB, therefore 2 hours into 120MB isn't a problem. Using DivX 4.12, set the video bit-rate to around 85kbps, the frame rate should be decimated by two (so that should be around 12fps, down from 24). Set the music to MP3, 22khz blah blah...