Will It Ever Change From Smart Media?


Still Fresh
Jul 25, 2004
Hi does anybody know if Gamepark will eventually switch memory card format from Smart Media to another format? I mean i like the Smart Media cards for being good quality but i remember they used to do 256mb i think there was a 512mb but when i got my GP32 they seemed just to disappear off of the face of the world that night does anybody know why or if you can still buy them off of the net some where?
maybe for the gp32 2 but unless for some really retarded reason they decide to completely re-make the gp32 with a different memory slot then no.
kidk posted on Aug 2 2004 at 10:12 AM said:
Hi does anybody know if Gamepark will eventually switch memory card format from Smart Media to another format? I mean i like the Smart Media cards for being good quality but i remember they used to do 256mb i think there was a 512mb but when i got my GP32 they seemed just to disappear off of the face of the world that night does anybody know why or if you can still buy them off of the net some where?

I wish they would do SD or MMC cards, that's what the other devices seem to use. Nice and small as well.
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I don't know about SD & MMC, but with SmartMedia, you don't need any driver circuits - you can control the cards directly from the processor with a few simple everyday components (resistors, etc). Probably why they went for it.
Squidge posted on Aug 2 2004 at 12:34 PM said:
I don't know about SD & MMC, but with SmartMedia, you don't need any driver circuits - you can control the cards directly from the processor with a few simple everyday components (resistors, etc). Probably why they went for it.
ah that probably explains it - i do actually value the simplicity of GP32 design, so I don't mind that :-)
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Compact Flash cards have a lot of the controller circuitry onboard, hence the physical size of them, and hence there being no upwards limit to the size they can be in terms of megabytes.