Hey Guys. Just letting you know I've got a few games/systems for sale on ebay, including:
* Die Hard Trilogy (PSX) complete
* Crash Bandicoot (PSX) complete
* Gran Turismo (PSX) complete
* Music (PSX) complete
* Tomb Raider 3 (PSX) complete
* Metal Gear Solid (PSX) no booklet
* Metal Gear...
Mr. Spiv do you have any idea how long before you release multifirmware 3.
I really want to flash using your multifirmware but I'm willing to wait a short time for a new release.
*LOL Don't worry. Just went and flashed using multifirmware2. Really is great stuff mr. spiv. My congrats on a...
Thanks a lot guys. I realise how simple it is. I just didn't want to have paid for GPCinema and have a problem with encryption and then have to buy it again!
Thanks again for your help!!!
Doesn't that mean I don't need information about encoding.
Anyhow I just want to know how my GP32 will know that the GPcinema I download will work with my GP32. I'm rather worried about the encryption thing.
I have finally decided to purchase GPCinema. I have no problem with the purchasing of it or encoding movies but I don't understand the encryption thing.
Do I have to use the same username at JoyGP that I used to activate my GP32 at the official gamepark site?
If this is right, is there a...
I have also just discovered the OGG format. It is amazing.
In the new version I would love a shuffle/random feature, funtional savable playlist and tag reading (as mentioned by Axeman).
I use winLAME to encode all my MP3s to .ogg at 64kbts.
Wildog, it's people like you that makes me sick! :blink:
I'd say 95% of the GP32 scene are friendly peaceful people. You are the minority at 5%.
Go home! We really don't need you.
I've been playing Doom 2 on GPDoom V9 for short while - having a great time. However I have encounted a problem with a saved file. I go to load my saved game which is at Epidsode 1, Level 6 and it just freezes on the loading screen.
Can anyone help me? Is the save file corrupt? Can I fix...
I have a few favourites including-
Drunken Frogger
These are just a taste of what the GP32 offers us in the form of free games. Full credit to the coders who bring us theses great games. Keep up the good work!
Nice one rcx21000. I was hoping you would continue that nice little chess game. Will the new version include some of the options that weren't available in the previous version?
Best emulator: OpenSNES9x
Best Games: GPDoom and Monkey Island 1.
I agree with Zen fGB32 would have been best emulator for me but the save problems I've had left it off my list.