Search results

  1. Zip

    The Archos Gamepad.

    if it is real 4 separated buttons, now we have another useless console. +1 for ED
  2. Zip

    DragonBox OpenSource Coding Competition - Rules (DRAFT!)

    as seen in "geca's competition" force people to release source could lose entries...
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    [Programming competition!] 'Making my Game the way I like 2012'

    very inadequate. Congratz! to all the winner
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    Absurdism corner

  5. Zip

    Codename for 1GHZ Pandora?

    classic rebirth silver-pandora (if it isnt only silver make it!)
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    Things i've done since ordering a pandora...

    spero riceverai presto la tua pandora ;)
  7. Zip

    Code Poetry! show up our skillz!

    this is mine! love.cpp it compiles :) #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int giulia() { int life=true,love=1; while(life) { love++; printf("%d \n",love); } return love; } int main(){ giulia(); system("pause"); }
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    Wii-U Gamepad hacking.. pie in the sky

    it doesnt contain a internal processor as about i know, its just a controller that recive image and send input of touch and button.
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    Absurdism corner

  10. Zip

    YouTube Snake [easter egg]

  11. Zip

    oxy morons...

    facebook privacy
  12. Zip

    Absurdism corner

    and the law of microsoft that rule on how OS will be:
  13. Zip

    Windows 8 vs RT tablets

    THANX! i 'v seen this image some days ago and now i'v found
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    Absurdism corner and
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    Absurdism corner

  16. Zip

    Amazon Considering Buying Texas Instrument's Chip Business.

    +1 and Microsoft will buy nokia
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    Code Poetry! show up our skillz!

    new links:
  18. Zip

    Code Poetry! show up our skillz!

    hi people! im seeking of good love poems written in programming languages, all iv found at the moment is: http://engtech.wordp...poetry-in-perl/ and that: --- let's post some code poems (i...
  19. Zip

    Absurdism corner

  20. Zip

    Parellella - $99 super computer on Kickstarter
