hi people i was look for my email on the web, and i found it in "pandoria.org/info/~"
as you can see here https://pandoria.org/info/ftw
and there is google dork
site:pandoria.org/info pkg author .email:
i dont know who admin that mirror site, but please hidden emails value, i really hate...
i had same problem, i solved reflashing it via SD,
the problem was annunced here: http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php/topic/12713-need-to-send-my-pandora-back-as-the-l-button-is-faulty/
in that wonderful poster is included pandora : http://popchartlab.com/products/the-evolution-of-video-game-controllers
and other open console, only gp32 and dingoo .. :)
full image here: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0211/4926/files/PopChartLab_Controllers_Print_ZOOM_0419.jpg
Hi people!, i'v just recived my pandora too, and i'v the same problem!
the problem is easy to solve it need only a little polishing on case,
i dont want to resend back my pandora, i would to polish case myself, but that will invoid warranty?