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  1. Zip site have email spam bot vulnerabilty

    hi people i was look for my email on the web, and i found it in "" as you can see here and there is google dork pkg author .email: i dont know who admin that mirror site, but please hidden emails value, i really hate...
  2. Zip

    Pandora Control mappings in BennuGD for Pandora?

    hi! use the link of mcobit, but remove sdlk example: _end _home etc take a look to source of our game earth invasion bye
  3. Zip

    The Official mcobit Appreciation Thread!

    thank you mcobit :)
  4. Zip

    No wifi after 1.54 update

    i had same problem, i solved reflashing it via SD, the problem was annunced here:
  5. Zip

    The Evolution of Video Game Controllers Poster, pandora is in!

    post this missing to their twitter, and take 10$ ticket
  6. Zip

    The Evolution of Video Game Controllers Poster, pandora is in!

    wiz and caanoo are out too
  7. Zip

    Need to send my pandora back as the L button is faulty

    should i pm to ED?
  8. Zip

    The Evolution of Video Game Controllers Poster, pandora is in!

    in that wonderful poster is included pandora : and other open console, only gp32 and dingoo .. :) full image here: bye
  9. Zip

    Release PNDstore

    thanx, but pndstor is abbandoned?
  10. Zip

    Release PNDstore

    hi people!  i can't start pndstore, there's no way! ! i'v classic pandora + superzaxxon 1.54
  11. Zip

    [Applimulator ;)] apkenv + apkenv.ui

    youtube app work well?
  12. Zip

    Kali linux on pandora?

    how to?
  13. Zip

    Kali linux on pandora? it support arm, could be possible to port?
  14. Zip

    Need to send my pandora back as the L button is faulty

    im waiting an ED post..
  15. Zip

    Need to send my pandora back as the L button is faulty

    i need to open to polish :/ if ED autorizes me would be nice.. i think is a waste of cash resend my panda back in germany for that little issue
  16. Zip

    Need to send my pandora back as the L button is faulty

    Hi people!, i'v just recived my pandora too, and i'v the same problem! the problem is easy to solve it need only a little polishing on case, i dont want to resend back my pandora, i would to polish case myself, but that will invoid warranty?
  17. Zip

    Voting: Original Games

    Good luck to all ;)
  18. Zip

    [Original Game] Earth Invasion

    bennu is opensource too ;)
  19. Zip

    [Original Game] Earth Invasion

    the source is: ei_041.prg and the ilbrary in includes\ Assegnaposti.prg... can download it in windows package too.