Search results

  1. Zip

    [Original Game] Earth Invasion

    Ty ingories, we hope too , to win :) but competition is realy high eheh
  2. Zip

    [Original Game] Earth Invasion

    pmprog say: Bug solved in next version  soon avable
  3. Zip

    [Application] Imagination 3.0

    goodluck mate ;)
  4. Zip

    [Original Game] AquaVenture

    good work iprice i like it
  5. Zip

    [Original Game] Earth Invasion

    we are at 0_40 v. add animation sfx and background music :D
  6. Zip

    Release of entries, voting and prizes

    there is some extensiion time?
  7. Zip

    Official Rules and Guidelines

    mmm i have 1 hour bonus :P
  8. Zip

    Official Rules and Guidelines

    15th feb 11:59pm, UST, what time is in italy/germany?
  9. Zip

    [Original Game] Earth Invasion

    just done tnx :) now we are at 0_32
  10. Zip

    [Original Game] Earth Invasion feedback are welcome
  11. Zip

    30 years of history [on ebay now]

    yes :/ "poste italiane" worst postal service ever! edit! 1 BID!!!!
  12. Zip

    30 years of history [on ebay now]

    AFIK he is  italian ;)
  13. Zip

    [Original Game] Earth Invasion

    //ei_028 ## add invader LifeBar //ei_027 ## add genera pwup ##add genera alien bullet, good algorithm //ei_026 ## add set fps ## add new gfx ## add shield system
  14. Zip

    DragonBox Coding Competition: Logo needed :)

    there is an official logo or i can use something from that?
  15. Zip

    [Original Game] Earth Invasion

    new screenshot
  16. Zip

    [Original Game] Earth Invasion

    //ei_025 ## add Score e Hiscore //ei_024 ## add level ++ //ei_023 ## add gameover #add tank life
  17. Zip

    [Original Game] Earth Invasion

    is not a case eheh is a notepad ehehe i hope 030 pnd beta released
  18. Zip

    [Original Game] Earth Invasion

    //ei_022 ## add multi level management ## add genera(); ##add 3 type of enemy at level in genera() //ei_021 menu finished //ei_020 removed re-press to shot ## introduced alien bullet ## introduced menu //ei_019 introduced 3 type of enemy + healtpoint ## introduced damage bullet need to fix...
  19. Zip

    Let's post pictures of ourselves.

    me @ cebit 2010