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  1. S

    Anyone else having HF5 issues?

    Think I'll stick with HF4 and wait to see how HF6 turns out.
  2. S

    PUAE Emulator

    I feel dizzy just reading all that....(Dizzy as in the state of mind, not the video game character) :D
  3. S

    PS1 ripping/converting

    I've got a headache now after reading all that...... :blink: :P
  4. S

    its here!

    That about sums it up. ;)
  5. S

    Release Scott Adams text adventures

    Thanks very much :D
  6. S

    What does your Pandora's desktop look like? Share screenshots here!

    No I converted it from a PC wallpaper. Here's the file
  7. S

    What does your Pandora's desktop look like? Share screenshots here!

    Ah yes, so you did. Er.... :blink: Well I did say I was going to sound lame, (I am a man of my word) :P
  8. S

    What does your Pandora's desktop look like? Share screenshots here!

    You are a star my friend, Thanks :D
  9. S

    Best Commodore 64 games

    All of the above :D
  10. S

    What does your Pandora's desktop look like? Share screenshots here!

    Ok. I know I'm going to sound really lame here but how are you folks obtaining the screenshots?
  11. S

    Release Hotfix 5 released!

    Brilliant. Thanks a bunch ;)
  12. S

    Release Hotfix 5 released!

    Thanks for that :) Could you point me to where you've uploaded the community backgrounds, cant seem to find them?
  13. S

    Release Hotfix 5 released!

    I have to say, reading about the various glitches that folks are experiencing makes me very wary of updating to HF5. Is it worth it? :unsure:
  14. S

    Another Pandora killer is here!

    I want one.... :D
  15. S

    Possible to downgrade to HF4?

    Hmm. Think I'll be sticking with HF4 then :blink:
  16. S

    External USB keyboard or mouse?

    Great choices, thanks for the info :D
  17. S

    Any way to run Neogeo/FBA/CPS2emu (GP2x) on ginge?

    Kenco make great :blink:
  18. S

    Community Backgrounds

    Prometheus: Thanks :D