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  1. S

    Caanoo Firmware Update V1.0.6

    Just updated. Still wont let me enter all of my encryption key to connect to my router. (have 26 characters but will only let me input 22.) The overclock function. Is this something you can select, if so could someone tell me where it is as I am unable to find it. This is very frustrating!!!
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    The Serial Rubs Right Off

    Using the jelly case protects the serial number but that doesn't help if it's already gone.
  3. S

    Firmware 1.01 Out

    Ah. Thanks for that, I was wondering too :rolleyes:
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    Taking Pre-Orders For Second Batch Of Caanoo Plus Other News

    DingooDigitalUSA - Thanks for the info and the way your post is laid out is just fine.
  5. S

    Firmware 1.01 Out

    Just looked at my version and mine is 1.01 too. Will wait till tomorrow.
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    Missing Y-Button

    Neat :D
  7. S

    Caanoo In Stock And Now Shipping From The Uk

    You can also get them from That's where I got mine from. Just going to order a jelly case from Dingoo :rolleyes:
  8. S

    Wifi Connectivity On Caannoo?

    Good news indeed :rolleyes:
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    Wifi Connectivity On Caannoo?

    I recently posted a question on the FUNGP site telling them about my wifi problems and I received the following reply: There will be a new firmware to be released. The firmware will be based on for WiFi and Over Clocking. When the new firmware is released have a re-try and let us know if you...
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    Wifi Connectivity On Caannoo?

    Sorry, that means absolutely nothing to me but thanks for taking the trouble.
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    Contacting Pandora sales

    I've also had trouble contacting the UK team. I've been wanting to add extra items to my order, been waiting for them to give me their Paypal details.
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    Wifi Connectivity On Caannoo?

    This is weird. We're all experiencing different problems. I bought the wifi package. With the dongle was a green CD. have installed the networking software but it doesn't seem to be of use. Has anyone else got 128 bit encryption on their router and has been able to enter all the passkey...
  13. S

    Wifi Connectivity On Caannoo?

    I'm having a different Wifi problem. Connect the dongle, it sees my connection but the Caanoo wont let me input all the pass key characters, I have 128 bit encryption.
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    October the 18th (2010-08-28)

    Fingers crossed that I'll be getting mine sometime in November then.
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    Reordering Deadline

    I used the Lloyds TSB website to make the payment, in GBP. Edit: And was today notified that the payment went through. Woo! Just paid via Lloyds TSB Waiting for confirmation.
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    The Wiz Gets Proper Buttons And A 3.5mm Headphone Jack

    Great, great news. This makes all the difference. I'll certainly be getting one now. Thanks for listening GPH, my faith is restored :D
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    Gph: The Wiz - Official Announcement

    Hmm, Not sure about this one. Love my F100 and use it a lot, (I really like the joystick too :rolleyes: ) When the F200 was released I got one as much to support GPH as anything, (show loyalty, that sort of thing) The F200 bobbed up and down in the water, (so to speak) for a bit before sinking...
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    The Gp2x Is Dead!

    Think you lot need to reign your necks in a bit. :blink:
  19. S

    The Gp2x Is Dead!

    The GP2X is and remains a great bit of kit. I'm sorry to hear that it will no longer be manufactured and I'm a bit confused why the F200 was released at all. I am lucky to have a PSP, DS, F100 & F200 and I use the F100 far more than any of the others. I do intend to get the Pandora but what...