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  1. T

    A Special Request

    This is truly the best thread I have seen in my short time here. Such support for someone who people have not met in real life is rare, and I praise the members here for that. I'm glad that the OP team has done what they did. It just reinforces how much of a community project this has been...
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    Tell Us Non-Mame Guys What The Best Of Mame Are :)

    Street Fighter II Og. and Champions Strikers 1943 Edit: 1945
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    Offical Congrats To Op Team Thread

    Haven't been here from the beginning, but have read enough to kind of understand what has happened. Congratz!! to Open Pandora for sticking it out all the way til finish. This is a great day for your team, and all the preorders who stuck around.
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    Pandora Illinc And The Pandora

    I'm an old school turn-based rpg'er, but you project does sound interesting, and I would test it out to see how it plays.
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    The Pandora Has Landed

    Did you draw that up in AutoCAD? I'm a drafter, and would have thought that a more 3d solid modeling program would have been easier to use. I use Acad everyday at work, and hate doing anything in 3d with it. We use Unigraphics for 3d work, and Acad for 2d. Nice looking drawing!
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    Here Is What Will Be Happening.

    If everything functions as it should, with these first "flawed" cases, then I'm willing to accept one. I'm no where close to the first 500 orders, but if the option gets back to my order, then send it along.
  7. T

    Little Questionnaire

    * 2 media player o 1 personal video o 1 personal audio * 6 game console o 1 simple or logic games (causal gaming) o 3 emulated systems (computers or consoles, oldies) o 2 native games (new fancy complex games) * 1 computer companion...