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    Release [REPO] Battleship

    This is a Java game, so you need WizardStan's Java.pnd. Just uploaded my first game to the repo.  It's a battleship game where you play against the computer, which has some intelligence, on an editable size board. Get it here:
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    Pandora [SOLVED]Trouble creating pnd for Java game

    Thanks for solving the PND issue.  For some reason I thought it looked in all directories, but once I put it in the correct location it worked as expected.  I would have expected it to work with a double click, or even the 'Execute' command from the right click menu.  Oh well. Thanks also for...
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    Pandora [SOLVED]Trouble creating pnd for Java game

    Didn't work.  I even removed the './' calls, but that didn't make a difference in mounting the PND automajiclly, but I could still play the game from the command line. Edit:  I got the from here...
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    Pandora [SOLVED]Trouble creating pnd for Java game

    Contents of the pnd_run_battleship_out file.  I noticed that there is an error listed, thinking this may help. Edit: The error appears to be a Java one, not the pnd, because I get the same error when running just the .jar from the command line...
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    Pandora [SOLVED]Trouble creating pnd for Java game

    The PND directory was not there.  Once inserted again, the PND did not show up in any menus still.
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    Pandora [SOLVED]Trouble creating pnd for Java game

    It ran from the command line just fine, using the line above, and seemed to do the correct unmounting after the game was exited.  Attached is the one used to test that worked from the command line. Now I'm really stumped as to what is wrong. The version number on the pnd is how many times I've...
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    Pandora [SOLVED]Trouble creating pnd for Java game

    The pnd does not show anywhere in the menu.  I can post the latest pnd when I get home. I create the pnd withe the when I boot into Linux, and tried PndTools.exe when in Windows, but neither one worked.  I will try to run it from the command line, and the other ways you posted...
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    Pandora [SOLVED]Trouble creating pnd for Java game

    I do not see anything pnd* in my /tmp folder.  I see an output( with some numbers trailing) that I am not able to open. 1. Was not set correctly, as I cannot set it to execute on my external.  Coppied to my local drive and made executable, still pnd did not work. 2. 3. The program runs on...
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    Pandora [SOLVED]Trouble creating pnd for Java game

    The final for school was a battleship game, and I thought since it could be a nice game to have on the panda I would try and pnd it up.  The .jar file works fine with WizardStan's Java.pnd installed.  The problem I'm having is trying to create the .pnd.  I have tried in Windows 7 with PndTools...
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    Error when running Java

    Thanks for all the help WizardStan, and I can't wait til I can code something cool in Java and have it run on my Panda.
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    Error when running Java

    I had an older folder that the java.pnd renamed to 'jdk1.7.0_10' which had the bin directory, plus others.  I copied those over to the jdk directory, and it seems to be working now.  Thanks for the help WizardStan and TrashyMG. I still got this message, below, after my program ran though. ...
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    Error when running Java

    I have up to the /jdk directory, but only have a /jre directory within.  Should I erase the /appdata/java directory before I reinstalll the Oracle JDK? Using jdk-7u10-linux-arm-sfp.tar.gz file.
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    Error when running Java

    Okay.  I will retry what WizardStan posted.  Thanks for the help.
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    Error when running Java

    Nope.  I just grabbed JOthello with PNDManager, and then downloaded JCloisterZone.  Neither worked.
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    Error when running Java

    I have followed WizardStan's instruction on how to install Java, and I think it went correctly.  I'm in a Java class, and thought it would be great to be able to run the simple programs on my Panda, but when I tried to run a simple 'hello world' type command I get this error message (which works...
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    EXT connectors

    Got mine also. Thanks again Stan for stepping up. Now to see what I can do with them.
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    Audio IN

    You can put me down for $10 worth. Just PM when they come in.
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    Spare parts (2010-10-21)

    Thanks guys. Missed that one.
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    Spare parts (2010-10-21)

    I see you are selling the keymat, but what about the buttons? Dpad?
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    I'm late, as usually to this project, but I would be a willing investor.