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  1. zaephen


    Right. I'm hoping to treat myself to a Pandora for Christmas this year. Hopefully it will work out.
  2. zaephen


    My understanding is they hope to get these first 4,000 out soon (this year)? This batch has taken so long due to creating the device and working a few kinks out here and there, right? So the next batch should get out much quicker due to all the ground work being laid. I hope ;). I suppose...
  3. zaephen


    Apologies if this has been answered already. I looked through the Pandora information and couldn't find a clear answer. After this initial batch of Pandoras, is there a plan to make more and have them available to be ordered online, in stock so I can pay the extra and get next-day air? LOL...
  4. zaephen

    Game With Others Online

    Yeah, I remember that program. I never used it though. It just seems to me that it would be a blast to play a good two-player game on an emulator that supports online multiplayer and voice chatting could be handled with Mumble.
  5. zaephen

    Game With Others Online

    This may be a silly question and no one will probably know but does anyone know of a site/forum/client program to hook players up for multiplayer retro gaming? I know some emulators support online multiplayer, I'm just wondering if there is any kind of community to hook players up.
  6. zaephen


    Thanks a bunch Twist! That is exactly what I was looking for ;) . Well, I still say the Wiz should be able to do it software rendered but PrBoom is an "advanced" DOOM port so maybe that's the difference. It sure looks nice now though in OpenGL ;) .
  7. zaephen


    I don't doubt that I am being overly picky :(. I'll continue to play around with it and see if I can make it run better. It's easily playable and runs great actually. There's just occasional "jerking" that I don't think should be there.
  8. zaephen


    Let me start by saying that I'm NO WAY attacking or saying anything derogatory about anyone responsible for PrBoom/DOOM. I'm extremely thankful to the fine folks who have contributed their time and energy to porting PrBoom to the Wiz. They have done infinitely more for the community than I...
  9. zaephen

    Firmware 1.2.1

    I finally have a 1.2.1 Wiz. I did everything the same as every other time except I made sure I used a standard SD card this time. It worked perfectly. I can only assume my SDHC card was the problem ;).
  10. zaephen

    Firmware 1.2.1

    I plan to buy a regular SD card the next time I'm out. Nothing big or anything. 2GB perhaps. Just for the purpose of upgrading my Wiz. As bad as things went, I think it will work the next time providing I get a regular SD card ;).
  11. zaephen

    Amazing Pixel Video

    Very cool, thanks ;).
  12. zaephen

    Firmware 1.2.1

    I agree totally! I've upgraded the firmware in countless machines through the years and this was the first problem I've ever had :(. As I said, my Wiz is running perfectly and I was lucky enough (although I can't explain why) to get it back to the way I bought it, so I'm leaving it that way...
  13. zaephen

    Firmware 1.2.1

    Again, it's working 100% like it did the day I got it... er, yesterday. It's say the firmware version is 1.1.0 but as I don't see anything wrong with it at all I'm just going to leave it for now. From what I read, there isn't much difference between 1.1.0 and 1.2.1 except some minor (I think)...
  14. zaephen

    Gettin My Wiz Early Next Week!

    Mine does but it works perfectly.
  15. zaephen

    Firmware 1.2.1

    I don't know but could it be because I have and SDHC card? It's only 4GB but it's still a SDHC. I think I remember reading in the "unbricking" article on here that you much have a SD only card. For the unbricking anyway. Also, I had the Wiz attacked to my computer when I tried to upgrade it...
  16. zaephen

    Firmware 1.2.1

    Okay, here is my situation as it stands right now. My Wiz is working again! Any of you that could have any input on this, please feel free to respond. I stopped at my uncle's this morning as I don't have a SD card reader. I downloaded a fresh copy of the 1.2.1 firmware. I put the 6 files it...
  17. zaephen

    Any News On The Replacement For The Wiz?

    I agree Nova. A fine device indeed ;).
  18. zaephen

    Firmware 1.2.1

    Thanks everyone for the replies. I was thinking the same thing and was going to try a different card and flashing it again tomorrow (this morning). I will try to do 1.2.1 again (and I did copy all the files to the SD card). I plan to also try to put 1.1.0 back if that doesn't work. Hopefully...
  19. zaephen

    Firmware 1.2.1

    I got my Wiz today and I've had it a total of 12 hours. Everything worked perfectly. I checked and it came with fireware 1.1.0. I noticed that 1.2.1 was out so I thought I'd put that on as I want the most current everything. I downloaded the file and extracted it. I put all the files in the...
  20. zaephen

    Openglad And Glport

    Looks fun, thanks Pickle ;).