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  1. zaephen

    Official Gph Sdk

    I can't believe I forgot to mention where to get it :(. Sorry about that.
  2. zaephen

    Official Gph Sdk

    I just wanted to get people's opinion on the Official GPH SDK as I saw it was released yesterday. I installed it and rebuilt my sample code from here and my PNG loading issue went away completely ;). That makes me think I had a bad/wrong library of something somewhere. Seems like a nice tidy...
  3. zaephen

    Loading Png Files

    I'm half way there now. I took the or whatever it was called from my /tools/arm-gp2x-linux/lib directory and put it in with my executable on the WIZ. Now, the program doesn't hang but it doesn't display my sprites and tiles either?! Any ideas? Edit: Actually, after thinking...
  4. zaephen

    Loading Png Files

    I'm not sure about that. I have firmware 1.2.1 installed and I assumed it had everything I needed in it (SDL stuff "just works"). PNG loading is handled by the SDL_image library I believe. Would it not be on the WIZ? Where could I get a copy of it for the WIZ? Oh, thanks for the reply by the...
  5. zaephen

    Loading Png Files

    I'm having a problem loading PNG images on the WIZ with SDL. Can anyone spot anything wrong with this code? It worked before on WinXP/Linux. Here is the image loader function: SDL_Surface* LoadImage(char* file_name) { /* Temporary storage for the image that is loaded. */ SDL_Surface*...
  6. zaephen

    Wiz Or Psp?

    I have to disagree with these points. I think the WIZ D-pad is outstanding (it may not be the best the industry has ever produced but it's head and shoulders above something like the Xbox 360 D-pad). I feared the screen tearing before I got mine after what everyone had said about it but I...
  7. zaephen

    Used Wiz Wanted In Good Condition...

    Glad to hear you're getting one. Fun is on the way :D!
  8. zaephen

    Ttdwiz: Transport Tycoon Deluxe V1.0

    Thanks Senor Quack. I'll give it a shot ;).
  9. zaephen

    Second Batch Faster?

    That's the same way I read it ;).
  10. zaephen

    How Many Of You Had A Gp2X?

    Sadly, I did not. The WIZ is my first real handheld ;).
  11. zaephen

    Confirmed; Future Pandora Device To Include Phone!

    Eek :blink:! I'll pass.
  12. zaephen

    Scared To Order Wiz....

    I'll throw my two cents in here by simply saying: I hope the developers here continue to support the WIZ however, if what we've got so far is all we ever get, I'm glad I purchased my WIZ. In it's present state, with the software that's already been made for it, it's more than worth the price to...
  13. zaephen

    Wiz Or Psp?

    Correct. Beautifully said. My point exactly why open handhelds are better ;) . I call all the shots on my WIZ and I don't have to worry about some company trying to control it for me.
  14. zaephen

    Wiz Or Psp?

    Excellent points. I meant to mention them in above posts and forgot. Playing commercial games on hacked/modded PSP is a no-no. That's yet another area that I feel the WIZ is superior to the PSP/DS. It's open and open friendly. You don't have to worry about big brother hammering you for what...
  15. zaephen

    Wiz Or Psp?

    On a related note, I just played my son's DS (I have to just about fight him to get my WIZ away from him) and I can say for sure: the WIZ screen blows the DS screen away and the DS was brighter and clearer than the PSP in my opinion. I've owned four DS's and three PSP's (don't ask, I'm...
  16. zaephen

    Wiz Or Psp?

    Agreed, that clip looks fine. Much better than the one I was watching. Again, I will say that I believe the WIZ is the better machine for emulating old games. If you want to play commercial games however, the PSP would be the way to go.
  17. zaephen

    Current Wiz Emulator Situation

    Agreed ;)!
  18. zaephen

    Wiz Or Psp?

    Well if they had a two year head start and it still doesn't run as well as it does on the WIZ, that should tell you something! The WIZ is a fine piece of hardware, in my opinion ;).
  19. zaephen

    Wiz Or Psp?

    I'm going to break the trend here and say go for the WIZ. I've owned four different PSP's and never kept them because of the commercial games. I find the DS has better games (my opinion). I've never had a hacked PSP so I don't know first hand but after just watching a bunch of YouTube clips on...
  20. zaephen

    Pocketsnes Super Mario World Question

    I usually leave all the setting default except for transparencies. I turn it on and save it to the default settings. Then I often have to overclock it to get some games up to full speed. Some games/levels won't play full speed regardless of settings but overclocking, turning off...