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  1. Mr Rob

    Wikipedia shutting down for 1 day?

    The battle is won, but the war certainly isn't over. I can easily imagine more legislation being made in the future, and DMCA still gives them more control than they really should have.... Edit: Blah, Gadgetoid beat my response by a minute.
  2. Mr Rob

    Wikipedia shutting down for 1 day?

    And to give the US more control in a Wikileaks-type scenario.
  3. Mr Rob

    Wikipedia shutting down for 1 day?

    I thought the safe harbor rules applied, as long as they complied with requests to take videos down. I still say we're going about this all wrong. We need to pool our funds and buy a couple Senators and maybe a police chief or two.
  4. Mr Rob

    Wikipedia shutting down for 1 day?

    Bahaha, I've never seen Conservapedia before, but it looks like it's built by the completely asinine arguments of a 15 year old kid.
  5. Mr Rob

    Wikipedia shutting down for 1 day?

    I hate being correct. In other news, Jimmy Wales is quite classy:
  6. Mr Rob

    Wikipedia shutting down for 1 day?

    Cynical Robert thinks the politicians are still lying. I don't quite understand how a flurry of tweets and complaints can give a Senator an epiphany and realize how bad SOPA and friends were. Honestly, it looks like a big power play by the Republicans, with (as I count now) 16 republican...
  7. Mr Rob

    Wikipedia shutting down for 1 day?

    Except me. Teh [sic] British are coming!
  8. Mr Rob

    Wikipedia shutting down for 1 day?

    The RIAA appears to be offline, too.
  9. Mr Rob

    The time machine pledge

    I, Mr Rob, pledge that if I should gain access to a time machine and it is legel/safe/affordable to do so, shall travel back in time to stop some of the Doctor Who episodes from being lost in time forever. Mostly for the sake of irony.
  10. Mr Rob

    First computers that cannot boot anything but Microsoft Windows due?

    Lemme weigh in. I think the biggest concern is having one company take over way too much of the market share, and the whole industry stagnating because the big player has no incentive to move or innovate. Look at the web browser wars. For the longest time, Internet Explorer was pretty much...
  11. Mr Rob

    Wikipedia shutting down for 1 day?

    On the other hand, I've had University professors completely rip into the review process for articles that go into encyclopedias. Say a handful of employee's, all of which have some general background in biology (with actually a heavier background in technical writing), are given the...
  12. Mr Rob

    Spoiled brats Tweet about Christmas presents

    Um, I got a frying pan. It was pretty great. Edit: Also, some of the usernames are impressive. crystalMETH_hoe? Sk8boardLee26?
  13. Mr Rob

    Open Handhelds Comparison Sheet

    Can also add the 512MB of memory on the boxes soon to be coming out of Germany....
  14. Mr Rob

    A Pandora 2 Concept

    Well, have an apparatus that pushes the keyboard up and locks it in place when the lid is opened?
  15. Mr Rob

    Games You think sliped under the radar - resurrection thread :)

    Oh my, that's some awesome 2D platforming right there....
  16. Mr Rob

    Games You think sliped under the radar - resurrection thread :)

    I always thought Crystalis needs more publicity [NES]. Nice little action RPG that goes fast with a good plot (for those days) and graphics and music that just pop. Came out late in the NES era, though. So play it!
  17. Mr Rob

    Don't Panic! games cannot use even 256MB of ram.

    I concur, with memory cost being so low, 4GB is what I'd go for a new box. My primary computer at the moment is a three year old netbook with 2GB, and it's more than enough to run Debian + Gnome (or XP, though I had Win7 on it for a bit without issues (aside from some graphical issues with...
  18. Mr Rob

    Good/Free Bejeweled clones for Windows?

    Hey all: Someone here may know this; are there any good Bejeweled clones for Windows that are also free? Gweled doesn't seem to have a Windows client (though theoretically possible, as Pidgin is GTK and works on Windows), and is lacking an endless mode...
  19. Mr Rob

    Release Blockrage

    R-r-r-r-repo link!