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  1. Mr Rob

    error message

    Ha, perhaps. Nuke it from the skies!
  2. Mr Rob

    Video Games Were Harder Back in the Day!

    Ha, but I must defend Exophase. If we're interested in how difficult games can be to play, then the article has no relevance to this thread.
  3. Mr Rob

    error message

    Reflashing may be a bit overkill (though would certainly fix it). What name did you give your pandora? What are the contents of the files /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname?
  4. Mr Rob

    Turn on my /swap partition?

    Add the following line into your /etc/fstab file. /dev/mmcblk0p2 none swap sw 0 0 The above is how swap is defined on my workstation, using your mountpoint. Like I said, it all depends on when things occur in the boot process. If you system tries to mount swap before it bothers to...
  5. Mr Rob

    Turn on my /swap partition?

    Type 'free' at a terminal, and let us see the output. It should quickly be visible whether swap is on or not. I don't think Linux systems will automatically detect a swap partition and use it as swap. Usually that is defined in /etc/fstab. But for us, when running swap on an SD card, it...
  6. Mr Rob

    Oohhhhhhhhhh Prometheus...

    The Megaman 2 strategy guide shows that he just needs one outfit:
  7. Mr Rob

    GB emulator available, which can be linked to another instance for two-player games?

    The only gameboy emulator that I know of that can 'link' between two instances is known as TGB Dual. I'm not even sure if a Linux port exists, let alone ARM Linux (apparently it uses DirectX. Bleh). Theoretically, if you can find the source for that (I couldn't find any licensing...
  8. Mr Rob

    Does your computer usage actually need all that RAM/MHz? :P

    In my apartment, I actually rock a 3 1/2 year old netbook connected to an external monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. 2 GB of memory, and pretty much everything I can mount as a tmpfs, I do. Things like 3D modeling, video editing, and gaming are the things that usually take a better computer...
  9. Mr Rob

    The BBC revives its Computer Literacy Project for 2012 - and it's about proper computer literacy!

    Are they teaching Latin? Latin?!?! Oh, wait....
  10. Mr Rob

    What is your hair care secrets?

    What do you wash it with? I have fairly long hair, too. We might need a male hairstyles section of the boards.
  11. Mr Rob

    Game reviews in 5 words

    Cave Story! Shut up and play it!
  12. Mr Rob

    Can we have an ask ED Questions section?

    I'm a bit curious how he styles his hair.
  13. Mr Rob

    Pandora GTK config file location for pandora apps

    Hmm, I can elaborate on the problem, though I don't have a solution. The reason why most applications won't recognize your .gtkrc-2.0 file is because most PNDs (possibly all of them as of Zaxxon HF6, though my memory is foggy) redefine the HOME environment variable to point to the appdata...
  14. Mr Rob

    The Weather Thread

    Took me a minute until I realized the picture was sideways. Thinking "why would you wedge your kid sideways in a snow bank?".
  15. Mr Rob

    Wikipedia shutting down for 1 day?

    Obligatory Rick Mercer song and dance (old but classic):
  16. Mr Rob

    Genesi Efika MX Smartbook/Netbook (ARM Cortex-A8 based mini-laptop) questions

    I've always thought there should be more arm-based netbooks/laptops out there. Obviously not everyone is going to want one (Y u no run Windows), but there'd be a big enough market of people who want a cheap, power efficient netbook for things. Are there other companies producing arm-netbooks?
  17. Mr Rob

    Apple hits paydirt, but won't manufacture here

    Apple can manufacture anywhere they want, it's call capitalism. They certainly don't 'owe' anything to the US, the only reason it comes up is because of the presently higher unemployment here.
  18. Mr Rob

    Let's post pictures of ourselves.

    Ha, I'm also offended no one is asking for my picture. I could be beautiful, tooooooo.
  19. Mr Rob

    Let's post pictures of ourselves.

    I've found it easier to just identify everyone by their avatar. Race, religion, creed, colo(u)r all disappear and we will all just become entities connected by the interwebs.
  20. Mr Rob

    NetworkManager: traffic statistics?

    Ah, vnstat! I use that on servers all the time. I don't know why I didn't think about that. Personal opinion (and let the wiser devs correct me), you might be best off wrapping this up in a PND, actually (and though useful, I don't think it should belong in a HF by default). I imagine a...