Search results

  1. Mr Rob

    Earthbound -- Occasional Freezes?

    Hmm, has anyone here ran into occasional game freezes while playing Earthbound? And if so, have found a solution? Once in a while, when I enter/leave a room, the next screen will load and the audio will get caught in a 1/4 second loop and I can't move at all, which makes me sad. I'm using...
  2. Mr Rob

    NES TMNT is not that hard!

    I agree with the thread, TMNT isn't that bad. There certainly are sections that are difficult. The water stage I can usually get through on one turtle, and near the end of the game where you're squeezing through the very narrow part in the Technodrome just before you get to Shredder is pretty...
  3. Mr Rob


    Though I do agree, it is an issue of time and money.
  4. Mr Rob

    Release Pandora config tray icon

    I approve, that looks snazzy. Good work.
  5. Mr Rob

    100,000 Strong for MegaMan Legends 3 reaches and exceeds 100,000!

    I'm a programmer, but not a good programmer. If it reaches 1,000,000, will we get metal blade? I demand it!
  6. Mr Rob


    Ha, they must be little endian then?
  7. Mr Rob


    Are German bytes bigger? This could explain everything.
  8. Mr Rob


    Well I've seen this issue with more than just Firefox. I often use Google Chrome or wget to grab the PNDs.... Could it be a general webbernets problem? For large sites, a CDN would exist mirroring the site from Europe over here in the states (another in Asia perhaps)? I'm obviously not...
  9. Mr Rob

    SD Card Failure

    A couple other things to try: Reboot. I'm serious, my laptop is a bit finicky, and will stop detecting SD Card slots after a while. Probably a kernel level bug (I'm running some unstable Debian on it right now). If you ever get it to be detected (but unmountable because it's corrupted or...
  10. Mr Rob


    I've noticed it, too, though I've always assumed it was due to large files (wesnoth, for example). It would be nice to have MD5 hashes available in the repo for each package. Maybe not under the main interface, but under a "more information" button or whatnot.
  11. Mr Rob

    On first interactions with open source communities…

    Somewhat related to communities, the Free Sound Project recently released a paper discussing a lot of the characteristics of their community. It may be an interesting read....
  12. Mr Rob

    Screen cable is starting to go out

    The memory is soldered directly onto the board, so it's not as simple as popping your memory out and putting more memory in (so no upgrades yourself). There was talk about an upgrade program, where you'd send in your Pandora + some cash, and they'd put a new board in with the additional memory...
  13. Mr Rob

    CALLING ALL MEGA MAN FANS!! There is a genuine chance to get the Legends 3 prologue-game onto the 3D

    I've never really gotten into the Megaman Legends games (played through the first one at least). Though I mostly just play 1, 2 and X.
  14. Mr Rob

    CALLING ALL MEGA MAN FANS!! There is a genuine chance to get the Legends 3 prologue-game onto the 3D

    Will "MegaMan Legends 3 Prototype Version" come with Metal Blade?
  15. Mr Rob

    Racing Games for the Pandora?

    I've always found gparted to be an excellent racing game. First you pick your track, called 'drives' for some strange reason (must be a verb thing), and then you race your 'partition' on the 'drive' against others until the progress bar gets to the end! Can even combine 'partitions' together...
  16. Mr Rob

    Nintendo patents emulation on low end systems

    What techniques, then? I'm a terrible person and don't want to bother reading the document.
  17. Mr Rob

    Nintendo patents emulation on low end systems

    Um, prior art? Patent applied for in 2003.
  18. Mr Rob

    Pimp up my PC!

    Only counts if you hit one of them over the head with a stick of memory. 8GB sticks hurt more than 4GB sticks, due to the extra rams. Eh, not that big of a deal, use the OS that suits you best.
  19. Mr Rob

    Pimp up my PC!

    Betty looks very nice. No watercooling?
  20. Mr Rob

    Making an image of an SD Card - Is this possible?

    I could be wrong, but could you end up with a wacky partition table if you do this? Or am I thinking if you dd the whole device, not just the partition. To be fair, I'm not sure how this is easier than the current method. Going back to the original post, isn't the point to find an easy way to...