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  1. G

    Quake I Released

    man, i can't wait to play it... thanks Woogal!
  2. G

    New Gamepark-site Online

    mmm, they made it solely for Explorer... which makes me said. it's looks pretty bad in Firefox and i am also getting Active-X warnings. I do like the design but, Why is this online when it's clearly not finished yet?
  3. G

    Gp2x.letter Ready For Your Subscription!

    Woa, big fuss about my design... i like that. I know the page sucks, i hate using popups. Still working on this page to improve it, no-popups. This is just a quick and dirty setup due to the limited time-span. I test all my sites with Firefox, which is my default browser and Explorer. Time to...
  4. G

    Best Place To Preorder?

    thanks Eolair for the update! i am not familiar with all countries VAT's so all comments and recommendations are very welcome! For the record: this price watch is not intended to tell people where to buy. the cheapest shop is certainly not always the best! and often, buying somewhere is also a...
  5. G

    Gp2x Newsletter

    i have thought about it a while, we could do the following: make 1 page with: * all GP2X rss feeds available * possibility for visitors to add news, with short comments. * possiblity to get this info by e-mail ----------- second ----------------------------------------------- A GP2x...
  6. G

    Best Place To Preorder?

    he aQwaBlaz3, i have made an ongoing price watch: price watch it's a list of all current distributors and their prices...
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    Advertisement Contest

    It's actually explained in the text of the ad... This post has been edited by OrR: Today, 12:40 PM Thats how good i read things... shame on me. i'd better go sit in the sun the rest of the day...
  8. G

    Advertisement Contest

    Nice work DaveC! just to be curious, what is L337 ? i know i can google this one, but i am too lazy today.... i've made a quick and dirty page to view all entries:
  9. G

    Gp2x Newsletter

    Evildragon, think you are right for that one... news becomes old fast. Maybe it could be more a monthly magazine (.pdf?) with indepth interviews, game reviews, tutorials and some techie things explained. Forums are great for short messages and to discuss, but sometimes i miss a bit more...
  10. G

    Gp2x Sites?

    I just finished yesterday It's intended to be a GP2X exclusive forum. i am trying to have another approach with this forums than the others, like and emuboards, which are very good. My aim is less technical with a broader view and emphasise on collaboration, projects...
  11. G

    Gp2x Newsletter

    It's a good idea, i can implement a newsletter system on with subscribe / unsubscribe, an online admin system where newswriters can login and submit there news, automated sending etc. no probs, just say the word... i can make it so that people can subscribe from different GP2X...
  12. G

    Advertisement Contest

    really cool! the pictures from are soo good. i would however try to get more whitespace in your ad. it emphasises the gp2x more. keep up the good work, its getting better and better... like a dutch writer once said: schrijven is schrappen...
  13. G

    Gp2x Korean Reviewed

    These pictures are great! sharp, nice angles. can't wait to try the gp2x myself. it looks pretty solid to me.
  14. G

    Advertisement Contest

    He WoD, The X GamePark has designed is a strange one... It's like a splash of something liquid, but not quite. It's meat nor fish. I am not sure i like it very much. Maybe i will fiddle with it a little more, but short in time now, maybe later. Your screen looks like a website layout, is...
  15. G

    Advertisement Contest

    Hello all, Think the ad from Wod scared people off, so good. I Like it! Specially the black block with the icons. This is my cup-a-tea, a more minimalistic approach.. you can download/see the big version here: It's just a headstart, if people like it, i will polish it more. The X could...