GPWAR !!!! Thats all to say.
Best game for the gp32. better than any commercial game because of the three languages.
I dont need astonisha story r in korean - although i own it.
I'm sad noone is talking about gpwar. it took hours to code and make the maps....
one problem: the player is a litle bit to slow! It's like the unfixed yogg -player.
the player plays the songs 1-3% slower than the original....
so gpamp isnt a replacement for the fixed yogg player
Really? I helped making the game. (maps, some gfx)
Is it that big? then i havent't got the final version- Or takes it just more size on the smc?? on the hdd it should be 10,73 mb packed.
Oh I see -
unpacked it's really big-
but it is the best thing from the comp.
What about GPWar? Nobody is talking about that.
What do you want?
A game in three languages with tons of maps and nice gfx.
Better than all commercial games....
Games ,--- I neeed games...... can't survive without them.....
Thank god I helped with one game so i know at least 1 good game arrives-
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