Lost Vikings 2 - Norse by Norsewest
Cpu - 280
Ram Tweaks - ON
Sound - Off
Interlace Count - 0
Psx Clock - 40% (Control Stick-in Volume L/R)
Fps in-game - 26 (feels like around 80% of normal speed)
Video's - feels like around 20% of normal speed (tried many psx clocks)
It's good...
Command and Conquer (GDI disc)
Cpu - 280
Ram Tweaks - ON
Psx Clock - 40%
Sound - Off
Interlace - 0
Fps in-game - 21-29 (feels like around 70% of normal speed)
Video's - feels like around 80% of normal speed
It's pretty playable ^^
Nice Release ^^
can u put a pitch option (slower/faster) in this great player, so i can use it with my turntables.
if you do so i donate 20 dollars ^^
Greetzz Jaylink
Bigg ThanX for this Emu and your other great work for the gp2x.
I just donated 20 euro's to Notaz trough Ed's shop. ^^
Hope to see more great things from you. :)
Greetzz... Jaylink
Woeeii a 3do emu, specialy build for gp2x hardware without the linux kernel, this sound very cool ^^, seem Gp2x is Heading to Cool things on and on ^^
Big ThanX for the time you putt into this ^^
I'm sure i gonna donate for this if it works a little.
Greetzzz... Jaylink ^^
^^ Hi
I have costum made usb cable also. and i also use a 200 gb 3.5" usb hdd
with extra usb ports and internal cardreader ^^ (real handy for my old CF cards)
Then i first made sure that my hdd was master sellected and then i fomated it with windows to ntfs, after that was done i used a tool...
Big thnX Zod! , I just donated 20 dollars ^^ for all your great work.
i gonna donate to Exophase, Squidge and Notaz soon.
Thnx again for al your hard work guys ^^
Greetzz Jaylink...
Oww Yeah ^^, I was waiting for some great news like this ^^, This is gonna be awesome, big Thnx Zodttd! and Exophase for ure time to improve the gp2x, i will donate for sure soon --=^_^=--
Big ThnX, Great release just befor X-Mas.
Just a little question, is it possible to add a Pitch controller in this program ^^.
then i can use it live when i'm dj'ing as a 3rd or 4th device near my turntables.
I'm willing to donate for it ^^.
ThnX Already and hope to hear some comments.
This is my first reply on this forum So hi to all, But this work is totaly awesome, dualcore finaly ^^, tested a few games all where running great, and dune 2 plays perfect now :rolleyes: , Big ThnX and is there a way i can donate to you.
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