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    Gamepark Selling Games Directly, Online!

    it's not that bad, but honnestly not an unforgetable game imo ^^ I've played it for a while & finaly gave it up really fast compare to other games like Tomak for exemple or Raphael (which is really better according to me even if gfx are not fantastic, at less fun is here :P).... Maybe at this...
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    Gamepark Selling Games Directly, Online!

    That's really a great great news :) I simply wish they will offer the possibility to buy boxedgames soon :P but at less buy by download isn't that bad ^^ and EXTREMLY cheap ;p I'll surely buy Super Plusha & Her Knight ;p Many thanks to GP for that move :)
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    Wanna Be Wizard Is Now Available

    Lethe you'll soon get the rank of "Hero" in our communauty ;) Many thanks for your work :) can't wait to play it :)
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    Good Neo Geo Pocket Games

    ah ? really? hummm it's the first link I found on google, haven't checked too much as long as it got a screenshot of the game :ph34r: ... sorry for that, I'll edit now ;) oh and I forgot to said that SNK Vs Capcom: MotM is also imo the best fighting game on handled I have played ;) Sonic is...
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    Good Neo Geo Pocket Games

    I'm sorry but Magical Drop have never been a shmup! That's more likely a reflexion game ;) There's a great great shoot on NGPC, but it's call "Cotton" (imo the best game of the machine with Metal Slug 2) ;) hope it can helps :)
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    What Are Your Top 3 Games From Adic2004?

    hummm I admit I haven't finish any one yet lol but they seems to got more than one level ;op I think you should give them a try ;p these days Homebrew games reach a really high quality :)
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    Pda-like Softwares

    WOW I never thought they made this for a GB ! sooo great :) I would love the same kind of soft for GP32 ;) .... in better of course :P
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    What Case (bag) Can I Use To Carry My Gp32?

    yes yes you're right, I should wait ;)
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    Ultima 7

    I wish you to find a GP32 soon coz it's really a great machine :) what's more if you want to improve your programer skills then it's a perfect machine ;p and yes it's necessary to own Ultima VII to play with Exult ;) I hope you'll find it soon too & enjoy it as we do :) btw don't worry we won't...
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    What Are Your Top 3 Games From Adic2004?

    First of all I wanted to thanks alot all the coders who made soooo many great work for this Adic which was really fantastic imo :) But I admit that I'm particulary enjoying these 3 games : 1 - Crocodingus in Crocoland A perfect 'cute' platform game which got a soooo high quality that it would...
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    Usb Ide Interface

    THAT might work & would be a perfect HDD for GPlinux ;p hummm if only the price wouldn't be too high :rolleyes:
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    Ultima 7

    I second you on that Frolik ;) I really want it DEAD :P
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    Ultima 7

    WOW :) it's really a great news to see that somebody will take a look at the code ;) I wish so much that the port is possible :) Then don't forget you would become a hero for all of us & even for next generations to bring to the GP32 THE ultimate RPG ;p & I am sure you would also receive some...
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    #gp32dev Crap Games Compo 2005

    This compo is fantastic & really original :))) I really laugh dead to read the review of "Mua ha ha ha, it works!!!!" LOL I'm really looking forward to get alot more of funny things like that ;p Really excellent :lol: Many thanks for doing this special compo :P btw maybe with some little...
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    We Need More Coding Competitions!

    yeah, that idea is excellent Don & I also think that EvilDragon would be a great "chairman" ;p The topic of the compo would be able to be voted by ppl on this board for exemple ....
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    What Case (bag) Can I Use To Carry My Gp32?

    Unfortunatly this special package with Wanna Be Wizard have never appear on any website outside of korean version .... but it's true that they had the ASR limited edition coz I bought one to them lol ;p btw is there a way to buy Wanna be a Wizard outside of Korea??????????
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    Ultima 7

    Sad to still don't have success to attract some coders to port it on GP :( but I don't loose hope :) Maybe we should organize a compo for that? :D
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    Where Are You, Lethe?

    yeah, I totaly understand you & I admit I'm really worried too... I thought he would at less make a sign to rassure us :( *Keeping finger crossed*
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    Blue Angelo - Anyone Played It?

    I'm really waiting to know more opinion & read reviews from the actual owners before buying :) btw it really remings me Shadow of The Beast too ;)
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    Is There Anybody Still Working On A Vns Game?

    Yeahhhh I'm sure that a CG gallery at the end would be a really great award :) at less I would really love it :) so of course in my opinion it worth to let you more time to finish it perfectly ;p Many thanks anyway NiN^_^NiN for your so great work & we're all waiting forward for some news soon ;)