i agree if he says stuff like that give him a warning and warn him via pm and give him another chance some times people are trying to joke and dont realize that thrir being harmful to the forums then at least if he does it again you will know if you warned him and then you can take action
lol nice sony and most fourms have a trash can where mods move the posts anyways my bad for not being there for the for the rights of the horse-penis-in-anus people i got the day wrong and i came late :)
where can i buy this offical tv out cable and what is the cost? time to see if i cant crash this hotfix 100 times before the new beta :P also does installing gcc via opkg make it unusable like alpha4?
i had to hard reset while running pandebian and now the icon dosnt show up when i run it? it keeps on happing and i have reinstalled it 5 times and i run into this issue
edit i can chroot to it fine and do things from there its just not as nice :s
or not the libraries are not sharing or im...
oh didn't see that and i dont mind scripting. and while backuping my pandebian install fedora crashed and corrupted the sd?? pandora didnt want to boot with the sd card in and it froze as soon as i plugged it in
will you people keep on topic my god use the comodo firewall (its free and it will sandbox unkown prosses) and microsoft security essentials. when i had windows on my netbook this combo worked very good on a atom 5% prosser ussage idling with this installed
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