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  1. S

    Problems setting up....still T_T

    Try to format your card with your SMC writer, filssystem is fat 12 (or 16 don't remember), alos creat some directories: GAME, GPMM, MP3, GPETC and GPSYS , then try to copy a game (.fxe) in GPMM, and also install the free-lancher, then you should be abble to play )) , if not try with another SMC...
  2. S

    New Multifirmware!!

    GP 32 is not supposed to run upper tha 132 Mhz so it quite normal your GP 32 freze :P I don't think this problem is due to the firmware
  3. S

    SquidgeLink 0.3

    Really good news for compatibility with other systems :D good work :)
  4. S

    Aquafish MultiFW v2.1

    Use the flash utility in this zip file :)
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    SquidgeLink 0.3

    So when will be available a new version ? I's not a matter to lauch a FXE in order to have full possibilityn but you should keep compatibility with normal pclink ;) I wait evolution :)
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    what do u want accompished in 2004?

    More new (good) commercial games :P
  7. S

    Ultimate wish list.

    More new (good)commercial game :P
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    Free games?

    TIE BREAK TENNIS (adic 2002 winner, and the best game i've played on GP32 :) )
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    GP32 Devkitadv under linux

    Build the toolchain like explain in this topic :)
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    GP32 two screens???

    you also have to link your prog with -lgpgraphic16 ans if you use gcc, add also an #include <gpgraphic16.h> in your cource ;)
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    WOW! new multyfw from AquaFish

    Now it's seems that pclink problem is solve (for those who understand french: ;) )
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    What's is the best Firmware?

    What's the utiity of wind ups ???? I dont use it, and would prefer somthing like comi (or gpfm) :P
  13. S

    16 bits graphic libraries for gcc on linux

    I found the libraries :P
  14. S

    formatting smc problems

    I read somewhere there was a difference between 3.3v and 5.5v SMC (somtihnig like position on somthing :P) but i don't remember where :( For the SMC Reader, you can found some for less than 10 €, and transfer are faster than with GP itself ;)
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    GP32 GCC crosscompiler for Linux

    This is the link to the topic about how to build a toolchain for GP32 for linux :P
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    formatting smc problems

    Try to format your SMC with an SMC/Reader, and try after on the GP32, if it'n not work probably the SMC will not work with your GP :(
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    whats the worst game youve played?

    Gran Turismo 3 :) on GP32: Tie Break Tennis :wub:
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    Advertisement !!!

    On direct downoad links are not working :(
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    gplink release 1.2

    It'll also be good for me using linux if someone could answer me in this topic ;)
  20. S

    GP32 c or c++ ?

    Most of prog for GP32 are written in C, but you can also program with c++, so like you have already done some java, try c++ ;)