Since you liked ESP GALUDA Snesfan thought you should know ESP GALUDA II is on Android
I guess you've lost your paddle there m8 once the Dreamcast is emulated i guess thats the end of the road for retro ps2 had some good games like god of war but apart from that i can't think of anything else, i'd like to see mame become legal and perhaps updated versions of these old classic...
Had a look on libretro board and found this emulation compatibility list for retroarch on the forum sorry to isamu99 for copy pasting your post
I have had it running pretty stable at 60Hz for a couple of straight hours at least.
So far all of the cores are fullspeed - audio crackling...
Ok as the title says best intro movie or scene to a coinop arcade game my two votes would be Blazing Star and The last Blade 2 you actually get two intros to that game as the following vids show beautifully drawn and great music honorable mention original samurai shodown...
Very cool maybe some sh2 games like dragon blaze space bomber and strikers 1945 2 & 3 i left a note to Barryharris at the fba site to see if it is an issue with aFBA for PGM games as they work fine on the pc version might just need renaming we'll see anyway nice work SNESFAN good vid
Here is some vids of iFBA with finger movement hack running on ios and the reveal teaser with normal controls looks cool
This is just a discussion coco anyone that knows me knows i dont take things personal(unless ive had some cheap cider)PS did you get your paddle back yet? :) :)
Google need to get their act together and have stricter guide lines as far as controls and inputs are concerned maybe controller support should be mandatory and a dedicated mapping tool wouldnt go amiss
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