whats the best way to create a gdi image had an old dos program back in the day but cant find it for love or money can disk juggler rip it from daemons virtual drive? also will it be able to play zero gunner 2 ? still to see that emulated brilliant game
Actually this game already supports that pitseb until you turn the pandora off you need to get past a level then you can start from level 2,3,4,5 dependant on how far youve gone just enter game options and you can select it but if you switch the pandora off it resets great game just needs some...
This game is a nightmare once you get to the end you need to work your way back to the start literally only devils for bosses and some really mean killzones the dropping crystal and grunts section is hell (but possible)this game really needs save states
This game has a number of bugs some of the special weapons when you have the gold armour dont work the remap keys is unusable as it pauses on the first key press or freezes and the objects and enemies in level four are not placed right either that or missing graphics the grunts are walking on...
Thats a bit of a kick in the balls to everyone who has just purchased a shield, 1 years shelf life then a new version nvidia need to get their act together
Yes but there are new mame builds being added in the next update with sh3 support and improved scanlines and shaders,but with it being pulled from the play store i hope the author doesnt go on hiatus
i doubt it'll be up again soon m8 the only way now will be sideloading the apk from libreto's site when they post it there is a couple of vids on youtube showing the pc build with crt scanlines enabled running ridge racer on mame and two other games and it looks stunning its on an i5 but so...
Hows it looking Snesfan any new vids planned the new build of retroarch looks good on paper new mame builds and sh3 support plus new filters and crt scanlines any chance of a new vid when its released would be nice to see how mushihime sama deathsmiles and espgaluda 2 play my core2 runs them...
It wouldnt surprise me if "CAVE CO" have something to do with this what with the authors rant and battle cry to them on retroarches front page
Cave SH3 drivers have been baked in again. In case some kind of shitstorm erupts over this – here is my stance. Cave officially exited the arcade game...
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