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  1. P

    Unbricking My Pandora

    Would be nice to have a built in text mode boot option, so if it does hang, you can see what it was doing when it happened, or see if it's actually doing something but showing no graphical progress on the progress bar. Also, possibly an "interactive" mode, like most distributions have where you...
  2. P

    Openliero: Digging

    Idea for pandora 2: dpad that allows pressing opposite directions. :D
  3. P

    Psu Leaks Little Bit Of Ac To Gnd Pin, Normal?

    I don't know a whole lot, but mitosis is on to something about earth ground not being a proper reference. The reference should be the body that is getting shocked, since it's based on the potential difference between you and the pandora. I don't think the DC common "ground" would be too...
  4. P

    Make Your Xfce Scroll Bars Wider

    Well, for this kind of thing, someone should just make a general gtkrc editor. It'd be useful on PCs, too. I'd be surprised if this doesn't exist already. EDIT: Here's the GTK 2.0 documentation. It lists all the "properties" you can assign to them through .gtkrc-2.0. Basically look at...
  5. P

    Possible Pandora Accessory

    Heh, not a bad idea. They have something along the lines of this in the works for the iphone (icontrolpad), so once things have settled down, maybe they will make a gamepad accessory. I'd certainly like to see that. I wouldn't hold your breath about it happening any time soon, though, if ever.
  6. P

    So, ... What's The Easiest Way To Install Stuff On Pandora?

    Oh, nifty, I didn't even know what you meant by Stuckie extension and couldn't find anything with googling, so I just mentioned union mounting. :P
  7. P

    Wifi Slowness - Hardware Or Software?

    802.11b should allow a bit over 1MB/s, not the pathetic ~50KB/s we've been seeing on the problematic pandoras and even more than enough for the ~500-600 we've been seeing on good pandoras. Would be nice to see more tests with different access points.
  8. P

    Getting A Little Concerned

    I ordered ~40 minutes in and was estimated to be 350~450, and no email yet...
  9. P

    So, ... What's The Easiest Way To Install Stuff On Pandora?

    If you want to be weird, you could make the root on the NAND read only, and union mount a partition on an SD card over it. :P Any changes would be committed to the SD card, but your OS would still be running off the NAND. mount -t unionfs -o dirs=/=ro:/mnt/mmkblk0 none / Or something...
  10. P

    Just A Question? Sound During Emu

    I don't think there's much you can do in ALSA without using something like pulseaudio, which seems odd to be honest since it already does soft mixing...
  11. P

    Man Page Usage Debate

    I often use the terminal and quite often use man pages for pretty specific switches ( -lavcopts... D: ) and would like the option available if I needed it. But don't see it as something that should be included by default. I'm for the PND package with the man pages for all the pre-installed...
  12. P


    I imagine it would be if you write a loader for it and any dependencies it has, like the Frash people have done. Certainly overkill for a "small library". :P
  13. P

    Use -Ao Oss In Mplayer For Better Performance

    ALSA also has proper usb-audio support. I've tried a couple USB devices in OSS and had no luck. The driver would load and all anything would do was block forever. And USB audio seems to be what a lot of people will be using for alternate audio devices such as headsets and external sound...
  14. P

    Rhinestone Hinge Stop

    So they didn't patent the idea of a multi-lock hinge as much as just patented their specific design for a multi-lock hinge? I guess that's reasonable of them to do. Trouble is if they came up with a relatively simple, working design for it, openpandora would've had to come up with something...
  15. P


    You all realize that this is pretty much unneeded and mostly irrelevant to running flash plugin on the pandora. This is mostly so you can load the linux (ELF) .so file in iphone OS (Mach-O), and let it interface with safari, in iphone OS. We just need to load a linux (ELF) .so in linux (ELF)...
  16. P

    64Gb Sdxc Cards

    You can use tune2fs -L label to add a volume name.
  17. P


    Would be neat to see it working, but wasn't there a PS1 version of tempest 2000?
  18. P

    Wizzley Presto And The Mysterious Time Machine

    I have to say I had a good bit of trouble with controls. A lot of times the buttons would change their image like they're being pressed, but nothing would happen in-game. Especially bad with the egg throwing weapon. Also, paralyzing bounce back with no invincibility period. :/ At least it...
  19. P

    Are We Stuck At 16Bit Graphics?

    If they both use X11, they'll probably both use the same settings, so if one works the other will just as well.
  20. P

    Are We Stuck At 16Bit Graphics?

    for monitors and displays, 24 bpp == 32 bpp usually. just 32 bits is word aligned.