Search results

  1. P

    Rs-232 Devices Connecting

    I don't think you'll find a small enough data/voice modem. You seem to have found a data modem, but you'll need a separate modem to handle audio out to the line, and this will probably, as said, be able to be handled by the built in sound card, but you'll need some extra circuitry to interface...
  2. P

    Official Start-Up Animation/sound Thread....

    Yeah, I'm much more for an optional text console bootup option. I know you can coax it in to doing so with bootargs but it would still be a nice option, especially if it's like "Press V for verbose boot." Type thing, so if someone has a failing bootup, they'll know why withoug haviing to have...
  3. P

    Almost Dropped My Pandora

    I've already dropped mine. Still seems to work alright but the case is wonky.
  4. P

    I'm Missing Screws

    This happened to me, too, then got worse when I dropped it. Hope the places where the screws sit isn't broken. I've already talked to ED about it. :3
  5. P

    Playing Video From Shared Folders

    I tried it with a USB stick and it worked quite well for ~640x480 divx. I was only watching the simpsons so it's not exactly taxing fast action material, but it's probably fine. I used mplayer, it performed rather poorly unless I did -cache 8192. I think by default it keeps a very small cache...
  6. P


    You can probably install the tools separately on something known to work like debian or ubuntu.
  7. P

    Rs-232 Devices Connecting

    So wait, you want your pandora to be a wired telephone or some kind of answering system? I don't think you'll get audio directly out to the modem over serial, just nasty sounding data carrier. What might work better is that I believe the ext port has line in and line out. You could connect...
  8. P

    Heat Extraction

    Could make an external slide out antenna thingy. :P A copper case would look so awesome for about 5 minutes until it starts to corrode.
  9. P

    A Quick And Simple Guide To Ripping Your Dvds For Your Pandora

    VLC can rip DVDs. It's better to use "constant quality" variable bitrate modes over constant or average bitrate modes as well as" target filesize" modes are also less efficient, and also take much longer to encode. Big Buck Bunny and An Elephant's Dream are a couple "open source" movies that...
  10. P

    Pandora 2.0?

    If masking areas or sanding them down isn't an option, I'd rather blotches over a funky non-fitting case.
  11. P

    Are My Nubs Dying Again?

    It might be a bit of excess plastic that came off and is stuck in there. Not sure how to go about removing it. Also, nice typo.
  12. P

    Multichanels Digital Audio Output Accessories

    mplayer can do passthrough, and the generic linux driver for USB audio should be enough to work, nothing special here as far as that's concerned, so whatever works in linux with USB sound cards works on the pandora. To make it work with mplayer you can try this: mplayer -ac hwac3...
  13. P


    Remember the guy who asked if it could multitask? it's sickening that simple things like that have become a seeming impossibility because iphones haven't been able to do it (With stock OS.) until very recently, even though portables have had multitasking for ages, well before iphones existed.
  14. P

    Aufs Doesn't Seem To Work

    Hmm, OK, I figured it was something like that. I guess I'll just aufs home and usr.
  15. P

    Pandora Intro Animation

    Yknow, a logo screen would be a good kind of pre-load screen, before menus or an actual loading screen. Kinda like the actual pandora bootup screen where it shows the pandora logo (Before the Powered by Angstrom screen). At that point, it's loading the kernel. If it's just there for no...
  16. P

    Replace Cpu With Omap Successor?

    I think 2 years would be most appropriate. After 5 years, there will be very little demand. This nonsense about "alienating" people with a first pandora is silly. All the software is PC ports, so like PC software, it'll only really benefit from faster hardware. There's no reason you can't...
  17. P

    Aufs Doesn't Seem To Work

    So, I'm trying to use an AUFS union on / so I don't end up filling the nand when I install stuff, so I created an 8 gig ext2 image on my SD card, at /media/mmcblk1p1/unionfs.img using default settings. I then mount it on /media/union, since nothing seems to be mounted there anyway: mount -t...
  18. P

    Bad Sound Quality

    I think some issues with standby mode are related to device drivers. Things will probably get better over time.
  19. P

    Pandora Intro Animation

    Well, it's not really an object that can easily exist in 3D space, without looking odd.
  20. P

    Display Bug Issues?

    Most of the XFCE configuration boxes don't fit on the screen vertically.