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  1. G

    Yeti 3d

    mattmagoo are you allso making a game for GP32 with the Yeti3D engine?
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    What´s The Best Avi To Vcd/svcd Progran?

    I´m looking for a fast avi to vcd/svcd program. Please help
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    Yeti 3d

    So does this mean where are gettinh a 3D FPS with 3D characters?? :lol:
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    Gpquake 0.21

    If I want to play GPquake wich files do I nead and where can I download them? My blu can go 166MHZ Thanks allot :lol: gp32_console
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    166mhz Gp32 Flu With Glass Screen And Boxed

    Opensnes9x works almost perfext at 166MHZ!
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    166mhz Gp32 Flu With Glass Screen And Boxed

    How much more??
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    .asf Support For Virtual Dub??

    Hey, Is there any patch or something so I can compress .ASF movie files?? Thanls
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    166mhz Gp32 Flu With Glass Screen And Boxed

    Yours can only fo 133MHZ? That´s really not much. 166MHZ is MUCH faster. If I where you I would do it gp32_console
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    166mhz Gp32 Flu With Glass Screen And Boxed

    here are more pics! gp32_console
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    166mhz Gp32 Flu With Glass Screen And Boxed

    If you can geth $155 dollars I will sell it to you
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    Gp Medal Of Honour

    lol yeah yor right. I already thought so :P
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    166mhz Gp32 Flu With Glass Screen And Boxed

    It can do 166MHZ i never tried more then that :P My "buy it now" price would be $155. I don´t want to trade it for a non-flu gp32 and some money sorry.
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    Gp Medal Of Honour

    Will this be a real port (:lol:)? Or a remake of the game using the Yeti3D engine?
  14. G

    Gp Medal Of Honour check this link
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    Gp Medal Of Honour

    OMG if this shit is real!!! It looks real!! OMG this my dream coming true!!!! ------------------------------------- You could use Babel fish
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    166mhz Gp32 Flu With Glass Screen And Boxed

    the shipping cots are $15 and I will make new and better pics with another cam gp32_console
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    GP32 Gpquake On Sourceforge

    Where can I geth PAK1.PAK ? Thanks :D
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    166mhz Gp32 Flu With Glass Screen And Boxed

    first i Put the wrong URL this one is it
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    New Gpadvance Version - V1.48

    First I tried the sub-games they run pretty well. But then I tried the reall game. It works but it really has to load allot!! But there is really a big progress in it!!
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    New Gpadvance Version - V1.48

    I have tried V1.46!! And Now Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland RUNS!!. First it stopt after a few frames with V1.43 but now I works!!. And it´s not even that slow!