Search results

  1. TrevorBradley

    Galactic Artifact - Release C

    After two more weeks of feature development and bug fixing, Galactic Artifact: Release C is finally here! From the game manual: QUOTE Galactic Artifact is a real time, non-combat game of space exploration. Alien archaeologists are in search of a prized galactic artifact, hidden away...
  2. TrevorBradley

    Beta Galactic Artifact - Release C

    After two more weeks of feature development and bug fixing, Galactic Artifact: Release C is finally here! Galactic Artifact - Release C (SVN 335). This binary is for Windows and Linux, but an OSX binary should be out within the week. EDIT: Mirror of Galactic Artifact. Use this if...
  3. TrevorBradley

    Since All We Are Getting Is A Fedex Box

    How about a community designed box sticker? Might be conceivable to slap those on at the last second.. :)
  4. TrevorBradley

    Beta Galactic Artifact - Release B

    Whoops.. find NumberGenerator.h, line 24 and change: static float NumberGenerator::ran0(long *idum); to: static float ran0(long *idum); Let me know if there are other similar errors further down the compiler process. EDIT: grep :: *.h | grep -v std Whoa, hold on, there's a...
  5. TrevorBradley

    Beta Galactic Artifact - Release B

    Sorry about this folks... looks like I did a major screw up on the networking code... I'll need you to download this patch to connect to the server. Looks like I got a bit too eager with my Crypto code. Messages were getting...
  6. TrevorBradley

    Beta Galactic Artifact - Release B

    OK guys, care to run this through the tilt-a-whirl? Galactic Artifact SVN 0328 Release C (Release Candidate 1) That's not a patch, but a full sized release. There's some extra goodies in there some of you may have been waiting for. I'm still seeing if Pat has some more stuff for me before...
  7. TrevorBradley

    Beta Where Should Galactic Artifact Test Discussion Take Place?

    I've cleared things with Chip... we can stay here and expand a bit, for now. That's the short term plan.
  8. TrevorBradley

    A Name For New Upcoming Pandora Zine

    Actually it sounds like this will be a Pandora app, and not via Firefox, in which case Pandora specific controls make sense.
  9. TrevorBradley

    Beta Galactic Artifact - Release B

    Just a note that the non-beta Release B server has been taken down, in preparation for Release C. You won't be able to play a game using the standard Release B now. Documentation (manual, licensing, etc) is almost done, next I have packaging to do. There have been a few last second surprise...
  10. TrevorBradley

    A Name For New Upcoming Pandora Zine

    That font is going to be REALLY small to read. Pandora has some insane dpi on a tiny tiny screen, only 3.6 inches across. Our eyes are going to fall out. There was a discussion about this in the dev forums... let me go find it. I went with...
  11. TrevorBradley

    A Name For New Upcoming Pandora Zine

    Hmm, an 800x480 pic. Does that mean the zine is going to be downloadable and readable on the Pandora itself? Neato concept. I'm looking at the Wikipedia article on the original Pandora to get some ideas: Apparently "Pan-dora" means "All gifted" in Greek...
  12. TrevorBradley

    Beta Galactic Artifact - Release B

    A quick update. I've just finished commenting all the code. It's up to 14,500 lines right now. I'll be releasing the source with the game, but under a license of my own creation. The code will be released under an "educational use only" license. You can modify or compile it for personal...
  13. TrevorBradley

    Beta Galactic Artifact - Release B

    Again, please hold off on the ship design for now. I'm having a rethink as to how ships will be rendered, and want to attempt it myself before passing work on to anyone else. I'd also recommend that we move any discussion about other possible games to another thread so we can stay on topic...
  14. TrevorBradley

    Java: Where To Next?

    System.gc(); Don't run it all the time, but once every few minutes to give the JVM a kick in the ass doesn't hurt.. :)
  15. TrevorBradley

    Games That You Can't Wait To Play On Your Pandora.

    Sweet Jeebus, if tthat could be made to work via network, I would play for days without sleep. We just need an IPX mod for DOSBox.. :) EDIT: There was a TCP/IP mod, but I don't think it worked very well. EDIT 2: OH HELL YES.... 5 Quatloos to...
  16. TrevorBradley

    GP2X (noob) How Would I Get Started To Develop A Game?

    +1 to Lazyfoo. He has tutorials you can download and detailed instructions on getting everything set up. Get those tutorials, see if you can compile them, take them apart, break them, put them back together again. If you can get to "Hello World", you can get pretty far. Heck, I got my 11...
  17. TrevorBradley

    Beta Galactic Artifact - Release B

    This is *exactly* the reason why I went forward with Galactic Artifact's game concept. A game map the size of the galaxy makes no sense whatsoever. Even an epic game like Star Control II only had hundreds of stars. But this game has a "powers of two" interpretation of the galaxy. All of a...
  18. TrevorBradley

    Beta Galactic Artifact - Release B

    Well, gcc or g++ might. Even the GPL website said they had to change the licensing because people wouldn't use gcc if the licensing were more restrictive. The MIT license is looking good. As long as my name stays slapped on the code, I'm OK with it. Any suggestions how to put the license in...