Thanks paeryn, now can give me a simple MMU Hack Howto ? I'm using DoubleBuf and 2 hardware surface...
The next test I tryed is this :
Uint8 *From = Grid_BG->pixels;
Uint16 PFrom = Grid_BG->pitch...
What do you mean by add/substract transparency. Ie passign pixel by pixel and dooing this :
Res = X * BG + Y * FG where The multiplictaion are Done with bitshift ?
Yeah It could, I was to try this in a few.
To do this, should I use a Hardware surface or a Software surface ? and thus how to...
Hi there,
I started writing one game for the gp2x. So I figured out that I'd like to have a frame rate of 60. So I setuped an Idle loop. Until I try to
do some alpha blended blit everything was fine. So the trouble come from the Alpha Blended blit :D. What I do is an alpha blened blit from
You're truly my Master ZodTTD !!!
After trying out this emulator on a couple of game for a couple of hour. I'm pretty amazed, I'd never have tough that the gp2x would became THAT good !.
Now I'll probably make FF TA and Minish cap on my 2x instead of my DS :D Screen's bigger.
Thanks for your...
Be polite, When the Dev will have the time to do it, untli then, if you want it just fix it yourself...
As this is only my oppinion for sure...
Dev have life !
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