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  1. P

    Vektar !

    I just purchased the comercial version :P May I help Craig with it :P It's pretty fun, I unlocked the time battle on area 1 and the aera 2 got to the boss of the aera 2 and got owned :P I'll practise more ! Cya paxl13
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    Vektar !

    Hi everyone, Long time no talk :P but I still read the forum at everyday ! I Just started playing Geometry Wars : Galaxys on my DS and I just remebered the ** awfulll fu*** Har*** * Game named Vektar on my '2x. So, after a few try, I'm just owned, What thenic do you use to play, tips, howto ...
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    Is Snes Emulation Full Speed Now?

    but do not try FF6, witch is probably de most hard game to run [ about 10 to 5 FPS in battle :P ] paxl13
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    Gp2x F200

    Hi there, I've got a question for you all, a little bit of background on me: I have a GP2x F100 Mk2 since 1 year and a half and I'm REALY proud of it. It works like a charm and I not dislike but not like the joystick. I'm mostly a puzzle and shmup arcade player. So the joystick is not that bad...
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    Jxd 301

    Looks good, I Might buy one if somone found it's hackable :P Looks nice and slick :P paxl13
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    N64 Emulation?

    When do we will STOP talking about emulating N64, the game aren't even fun on the road... look up at Wind And Water or ... Any other Gp2x made game... Anyway, I play my n64 game on my n64, that I paid 15 buck in a pawn shop... that "my" emualtion :D paxl13
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    Wind And Water: Puzzle Battles Official Release!

    I just got the Elemental + full combo in 30 sec... I would'nt have touhg this was possible.. the next one is insane touhg :D Time combo x5 + wind and water clear :S I'll get it :D
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    Wind And Water: Puzzle Battles Official Release!

    Wow passing, not cheezing, the Press 3 stage is kinda satifactory :D I adore the song in this game, Have you planed to release them outside of the game, I'd like to listen to them on my laptop if that would'd be possible :D Also, I hate minigame, and I think the one I hate most is Aiba...
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    Wind And Water: Puzzle Battles Official Release!

    I just got through the first ending :D, Stage up ahead looks like HARDCORE :D Thanks for this GREAT game, paxl13
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    Wind And Water: Puzzle Battles Official Release!

    I just uploaded my stat :D, proabaly weak but I was playing to a couple of other new game I just got, like R-Type Final :D Anyway, My comment stays, THANKS YOU for this puzzle ! paxl13
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    Wind And Water: Puzzle Battles Official Release!

    This Game is MARVELOUS !!!!, 5 hour ingame and I can't bore me :D Thanks you verry muchhhh :D paxl13
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    New Gp2x F-200

    Is this a fake or not ?? Should I try to sell my current gp2x for this model before it don't worth anything more ?? Thats my thougt :P :P
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    Wind And Water Last 12 Hours To Preorder!

    I don't realy know :D Waiting anxously tough
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    Vektar Download Version

    Hi, the downloadable version of Payback don't works, probably a trouble in the link, I emailed the order at and waiting to download :D Thanks Craig for your downloadable version paxl13
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    Status Of Psx4gp2x Work Being Done :)

    Lord Zodttd can't stop to impress me :D REAL good job guys :D Welcome Hilde, and Thanks you very much for your hard works ! paxl13
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    Wind And Water: Puzzles Battles Final Demo!

    Just buyed the preorder ! GREAT job guys, this game's a bomb !!! Thanks ! paxl13
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    Ttd2x (open Transport Tycoon Deluxe) Has Been Updated!

    The map is hardly usable but it works :D Thanks for your works Zod !!! paxl13
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    Ttd2x (open Transport Tycoon Deluxe) Has Been Updated!

    Thanks Zodttd !!! This is wonderfull ! paxl13
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    Final Burn Alpha Test Build

    Wow !!! DonPatchi is already working not that bad at 245 :D... let's hope more optimisaiton !!! Great works squige ! paxl13
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    My New Project: Final Burn Alpha

    One Word Zodttd !.... If I get DoDonPachi Close to playable on my gp2x. You'll get my eternal gratitude and a donation !!! DoDonpachi as beeing one of my favorite shmup along with Ikaruga and others ! Thanks YOU Zod ! paxl13