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  1. P

    Stppc2x - The Complete Collection - Beta 3

    I may have a little suggestion that will give you a little works but not too much. Just bind the Volume button to a variable to increase and decrease the number of pixel per move. It would suite every game. Thanks a lot for your port, paxl13
  2. P

    Gpsp File Format

    It's not a save state, But the file is 128kB instead of 8kB... I'll need to check if there is something that match. The save state are *.is0 instead of .0 Thanks for your help paxl13
  3. P

    Gpsp File Format

    Hi everyone, I've tryed the last version of gpSP and I was realy impressed. My question is, do somone know how to convert a G6 Flash gba save (.0) to the (.sav) that gpSP use. It would enable me to continue my FFTA and Zelda game on my Gp2x :) Thanks a lot for your help paxl13
  4. P

    Gshot - Screenshot Tool For Gp2x

    Hey Alex, What is the game that looks like Every Extend on your set of screenshot ? Thanks for the info, And great release Notaz paxl13
  5. P

    Stppc2x - The Complete Collection - Beta 3

    Excellent collection ! I just tryed them this morning on the bus and that great ! Would it be possible to get a mouse acceleration [ I'm sorry If I didn't read the readme and I miss a thing or two ] For the rest, everything is cool continue Good works And thanks a lot for your hard works ! paxl
  6. P

    Zelda Classic 2.11 B18 Gp2x 0.3alpha

    GREAT ! Now we need, if that is possible in the source, to frameskip 1 ;) Would be perfect, at 245 Mhz, I'm half speed 30/60 when batteling, REaly looking forward this game :) [ I'm awaiting it since I've got my F100 ] Thanks a LOT paxl
  7. P

    Stppc2x - The Complete Collection - Beta 2

    WOW ! I loved picross but i didn't though there was a mame game with this. Its pretty cool. Thanks for the reference ! paxl
  8. P

    Zelda Classic 2.11 B18 Gp2x 0.1alpha

    Question to all: Is there a way to make Allegro on linux to recognize Timidity... If I want midi music to works in the desktop version. Thanks a lot for the port, paxl13
  9. P

    Zelda Classic 2.11 B18 Gp2x 0.1alpha

    allleluyahhhhh ! I'm awaiting this port since i got my gp2x, will try after my study !!! Thhanks a lot, paxl13
  10. P

    Garden2x V0.1

    same for me ! Excellent game, I still hate my stick ;) paxl13
  11. P

    Garden2x V0.1

    Wow !, Bravo ! Excellent release, Thanks for brigning those cool shmup to the gp2x ;) paxl13
  12. P

    Best Mame Puzzle Game

    Hi everyone, I'm loving puzzle game on my gp2x, and I was wondering What are the best mame puzzle game emulated or not on the gp2x. Thanks you for your helps, paxl13
  13. P


    anyway, it's far less costy thant the SD version, I've taken it there. And this make me remeber that I never got to pass the 2nd level. The game's great but this is not realy my cup of tee :) A great deal at this price tough ;) paxl13
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    Here it is ;) paxl13
  15. P

    Bacteria's Gp2x Mod With Rotating Screen Finished

    Wow !!!, I want one ;) I'd liike to have those modding talent ;), I'm only good at electronics tough :( paxl13
  16. P

    Ttd2x (transport Tycoon Deluxe) Updated Feb 01, 2008

    Thanks a lot Master Quack ! :) paxl13
  17. P

    Ttd2x Updated - Touchscreen Support And More!

    QUOTE Good eyes regarding the latest PSP version, I just downloaded their source, hopefully it uses SDL like TTD2X. EDIT Oh, yeah, this looks like it's gonna be just a cut-n'-paste job to get this easy movement of any window. I'll also add a hotkey for bringing up the cheat screen. Hail to...
  18. P

    Ttd2x Updated - Touchscreen Support And More!

    Can I ask something ? Would it be possible to add the functionaly of Displacing window like in linux, holding alt and you can move the window by clicking anywhere ? This would add the possibility of chosing something in the difficulty dialog box ! Also, Thanks a lot for your port =) paxl13
  19. P

    Ttd2x Updated - Touchscreen Support And More!

    Damn !!1, I'd soo like for it !!! but I don't think I can justify this with my GirlFriend :P [ As I own a NDS/PSP/Gp2x + too much table console :P ] I'll see paxl13 But thanks for the refining of the port ! paxl13