Search results

  1. K

    Blaze Up!

    back in the old days alas
  2. K

    What Is Telcolou's Avatar Saying?

    sorry to hear you quit telcolou, was nice having you around though, also Sam seriously these parachoute account aren't funny, they're annoying, I actually prefer seeing you posting on your normal account
  3. K

    Blaze Up!

    this is easily the worst thread I've ever seen in my life
  4. K

    Sacred Gear

    looks like soldat but cooler, I'm sure we can kill Bob on this as well kizzy :) edit: I'll play some tonight
  5. K

    Prog Rock Nub

    some spammy cunt a while back trying to sell smokes
  6. K

    Prog Rock Nub

    shoot man
  7. K

    Prog Rock Nub

    thanks bitches, keep em coming :D
  8. K

    Prog Rock Nub

    Basically at the moment I'm loving this kind of music, but the problem is I only have a few albums: Genesis - Foxtrot Yes - Close the Edge - Fragile and those best of pink floyd albums I robbed off my Dad, help me find more good stuff thanks
  9. K

    First Games

    I remember starting out with games like duke nukem, death rally, dungeon keeper and toonstruck. Irresponsible parents are the best.
  10. K

    Gpx2 Will Go Bust

  11. K

    Any Kind Of Glasess

    hehe you forgot to lock it people, done
  12. K

    I'm Loving This Forum

    what forums be they
  13. K

    I'm Loving This Forum

    just chillin and postin
  14. K

    60 Dollar Computer

    Fuck nice find, I want to buy it for no reason, maybe I'll get one for my sis or something.
  15. K

    Probably In The Wrong Section But...

    If you need warez questions to be answered, ask the community forums you use in future.
  16. K

    Save The Internet

    fucking hell post count limiter please
  17. K

    Need A Gmail Invitation For My Dad

    May as well make this the new gmail thread then, anybody want one?
  18. K

    Another Gizmondo Exec Gets Arrested - 12 Rifles, 4 Hand Guns Found

    you've always loved the jizz mate
  19. K


    ahaha ahhahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fag