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    USB Light for Laptop's Etc

    I guess standard usb port is 5V. and gp32's usb port is unpowered.
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    Dirty Screen

    I'm using HAMA brand, lens cleaner pen. it does the work perfectly.
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    SquidgeLink 0.3

    SQ3.2 *sometimes* fails to transfer very small files (eg. <500bytes) to PC. This happens when there are too many small files on transfer queue. (Try copying whole GPFM dir.) And please, add directory copy function.
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    SquidgeLink 0.3

    **it's not a real bug but an annoying feature: if you double click a filename more than 8 characters long sqlink tries to transfer it anyway and GP32 gives a SMC error. You will end up with an aborted transfer window which is quite ugly for a simple filename problem. *** Request: I guess auto...
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    OpenSNES9x Unstable?

    there is no crash or hang problems on my GP32 even in 166mhz. But some games (eg.another world, SNKvs. Capcom) won't work at all, ofcourse, it's not a perfect/stable emulator for now. But I didn't played with os98x a lot.
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    Merry Christmas to one and all

    Merry Xmas to axeman and all gp32 community... especially ThunderZ, mithris, rlyeh, yoyofr, mr_spiv, firefly, orion and other cool gp32 coders...
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    Any SMC restraints?

    is it possible to modify the gp32 to support 5V SMC's? Maybe via adding one more battery to push voltage up on SMC?
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    So, what country are you from?

    I'm from Turkey (Istanbul)... (and I have a friend who owns a gp32 and live in Antalya)...
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    Keyboard for the GP32?!

    THAT is what I've been waiting for!!! A *generic* keyboard & driver for gp32.. MrSpiv: Please make it compatible and think about future whlile you write the driver for it. make it solid so everyone can use it in their programs. and biggest thanks to you.. Thanks! this was more important than...
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    yeah, drop your network adapter's speed to 10Mbps even half-duplex. but... I don't really know wireless lan have these options :)
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    alkanoid.fxe - what is this?

    sure, it looks like a garbage dump file.. maybe a leftover code from early stages of debugging... ofcourse I tried to run it, and it crashes/resets gp32, thats all. Nothing dangerous. I like GPMANAGER's drag&drop function, so I'll use it anyway and I'll delete dump file again and again and...
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    alkanoid.fxe - what is this?

    hi guys, I'm using gpmanager and pclink 1.3 for transferring files to my gp32. I dont know which program causes this but a file named "alkanoid.fxe" appears from nowhere at my C: drive. What is this? possibly a bug of one of these programs and the generated fxe wont run on my gp32 :). it would...
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    a pretty girl with a cool gp32. I knew gp32 has something different...
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    GP community.. after the GP? (pt 2)

    I don't think we need another forum.. but ofcourse I'll join every activity about gp32. But how about a mailing list? Mailing lists always feels more warm to me.
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    Ultima 7

    cool, EXULT is using SDL and we have a SDL port thanks to chui. That makes a bit more easier to port. I hope one of our big coder boys looks at it.
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    The GP32 community.. after the GP32?

    good idea...
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    Spain Launch is off / postponed

    even bad news... very bad news. I thought spain was a last stronghold of the european gp32 market. it looks gamepark unable to produce enough number of units due to it's financial problems.
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    Official European release date!

    bad, bad news. Today was bad day for me, and now it's even bad. As many of us expected, mitsui cancelled the european launch. In my opinion, launch of zodiac has significant effect on this. This was the last chance of gp32 and now gp32 will vanish slowly. But at least we already have good set...
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    MP3 Player

    it's not really related to the subject, GPFM (GP file manager) plays mp3's better than other players. it has no option to create playlists and continous play but it has eqalizer that really works. cool program. very handy.
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    GP32 Mass strorage device??

    firefly quit working on this project becuse he is unable to write files to the card. I guess he give it up. But read speed is awesome. if you want to get a lot of files from gp32, this tool will speed up your work about ten times :) and if you use win2k/Xp you dont have to install any driver...