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    What's So Cool Aout The Ds

    I dont think Dual Screen is useless, even it's very useful. it can be used as keyboard, mouse (because second screen has touchscreen) or as any interface you want. :)
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    Gmail Invites.

    google is making everyone curious about gmail and and gives the free email service as a gift from gods. it looks like they are going to make it public soon, and this is like a marketing move. Everyone talking about their gmail account, it's like a new level of cast system. internet users with...
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    Usb Working !!!! On Gp32linux :)

    so it's time to write/port some MPEG1/VCD players to gpLinux.
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    Philips G7000 here you go..
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    Legend Of The Green Dragon

    oh, lotgd is cool :) if user count gets high, it will get more entertaining ofcourse. let's check it out. (and atrkid, add some gp32 text to lotgd too..)
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    Gpcinema Reseting. But I Used To Have It Working

    I cannot use Xvid to encode for gpcinema anymore. maybe that's because of latest xvid upgrade, maybe because new free gpcinema. I dont know really. divx 4.12 just works flawlessly but lesser quality at same bitrate.
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    The On-going Flu/blu Saga here is how LCD work.
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    Dumb Developpers, Or Stupid Me?

    no, don't get me wrong, my english not that good. fdave is a really nice guy with pro-class coding skills but I'm a bit angry with him because fdave replies a thread with 'Replying to Dumb Developpers" topic, that makes (us) developers dumb. It's just up to me (the developer), not up to a...
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    Dumb Developpers, Or Stupid Me?

    to fdave: every developer knows the issue about cluster size, as you are a well known and quality developer, you should have talked this issue under more serious topics, not under a general talk nonsense. pity. and to non-coders: just shut up.
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    Media Which Doesn't Report About The Gp32

    it's all about marketing. If gamepark had made a first class marketing (like sponsoring football teams or even worldcup like sony do), I'm sure everyone could call PSP as a lame GP32 clone. It's the way capitalism works. It's not about the quality, it's about advertising. but gp32 is really...
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    I Am On Linux.

    ah, I was using lorenz technique Rectify Faults in the Random Memory in my slackware distro about a year ago, thanks for reminding me again. it still works in redhat distribution. Thanks Rico. @sam fisher: do it rectify faults fix, you won't regret. and wine can run some applications if you...
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    Dowload My Games

    hmm.. numo? interesting... let's see.. hmm.. not worthy... but that reminds me of releasing numo level editor.. sheep herder is fun tho.
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    you don'T need any drivers. but you need a clean windows XP install. 0.disconnect gp32 from PC. (unplug Usb cable) 1.reboot your windowsXP. 2.start gpdrive from freelauncher or if you are using BLU just start it from selector.. 3.wait for gpDrive to start and wait on idle status. 4.connect Usb...
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    Is There News About Any Vns?

    VNS editor for windows (vbVNS) direct link: it's a kind of script generator for VNS so you don't have to learn VNS language. this GUI editor written by me (ref), but no longer supported because only a few user cared about VNS itself.
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    Xvid Video Glitches

    dozer: that's because your xvid codec being handled by divx 5.0+ or you have an older (stable) version of Xvid codec. it's not the problem of encoding. The decoding process causes that glitches.
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    GP32 How Do You Make .fxe Games?

    there are many ways to go. Depends on what kind of game you want to make. the best tool is "bob's funny .fxe game maker". apart from that there is some game engines: virtuaLeech made a interactive story engine, named Virtual Novel System (VNS) there is a crap editor for it.. Skeezix made a...
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    GP32 Sprite Rotation

    don'T forget to check spiv's site. it has a cool sprite rotation code with some asm support. but limited to 64x64 I guess. (but I'm not sure of it)
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    Chatboard Unplugged Mod

    AIKEN: Bigger photos please. Specially I need to see bigger version of "chatboard_quitar_conector2.jpg" to see what's wrong with my wiring. and I mean bigger.. like 1280x1024 or even 1900x1600 and thanks for the guide.
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    Get Your Tin Hats On

    n00bs were flamed because some of them are impolite and rude. as I am a teacher, I'm really get used to repeating questions, and I'M happy to answer them, but look at LOL! area, many of newbies just ask (without giving detail) and then swear (with detail). they don't know how to thank and...
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    Get Your Tin Hats On

    let them come. I'm ready! YARRRR!