I probably find it too tedious on a small screen personally for my larger projects but I can imagine myself writing small games in a scripting language like Python or Lua since they don't need compiling.
Oops, my bad. Ah well, they won't know ;)
I think it is just the standard knee jerk reaction, maybe it will start to settle in as they dwell on it a bit?
Just finished reading the article, covers all the bases and opinions of the console. Good job :).
Side note: "The first developer units are already out there, but the first unites for casual users should appear in July" - Craig Rothwell
Good spot Parkydr.
To prevent this problem in the future, look at the use of the 'explicit' keyword.
class BG{
explicit BG (int);
void imgload(char *path);
SDL_Surface *BG_gfx;
SDL_Rect *Pos;
SDL_Rect Frame;
Again, I recommend using std::vector...
Side note, you have a memory leak in the class of BG (not freeing allocated memory). Consider using std::vector instead.
I can't see anything distinctly wrong with the code. Can you provide a screenshot of the result that you are currently getting?
In that respect, I have just started to use Orb on my PC at home and the prospect of being able to watch TV and/or my video collection from anywhere that has a decent Wifi connection and on a device that supports Flash is great. :)
We do have Python and PyGame for the GP2X, so I would hope the chances are pretty good to get this on the Pandora. It is just a matter of who and when.
You are missing a library from the link line, could be SDL_Image.
Edit: Hm.. I think I may have screwed up the order of the libraries for the GP2X. This:
-static -lSDL_gfx -lSDL_ttf -lfreetype -lSDL_image -ljpeg -lpng12 -lz -lSDL_mixer -lvorbisidec -lmikmod -lmad -lSDL -lgcc -lm -lc...
Change this line:
int SDL_main( int argc, char* argv[] )
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
That should fix the GP2X build.
I don't think SDL_BlitSurface checks for NULL images, you might want to do a NULL check there.
int GameLevel::initGrid (int x, int y)
// Loads...
This is what I did to get my job:
Find the company's website.
Look for the Jobs/Careers section.
Search for an applicable role.
If none exists, find the contact telephone number and ask for HR and then if a suitable role exists (take a note of the name and email of the person you are talking...
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