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  1. ivanovic

    Release SNES9X4P hardware scaled

    Turbo mode means that a *really* high frameskip is used to accelerate the game that currently runs. This is eg nice to speed up lengthy dialogs or other waiting times that can occur in some games. Basically a "fast forward" button.
  2. ivanovic

    Release SNES9X4P hardware scaled

    Just to keep you posted on the changes implemented so far (but not in a binary in the repo yet): * Added a "toggle turbo mode" key and mapped it to 't' on the keyboard. * Increased the number of savestate slots to 10 (instead of 4). * Updated preview pics. Besides I made sure that the...
  3. ivanovic

    Release SNES9X4P hardware scaled

    Okay, I checked the code and what happens is basically the same as hitting the reset button on the real console. So all saves stay intact (if they were really written!) and the savestates are still there, too. I am not 100% sure when the sram (aka "in rom saves") is written. It might be that...
  4. ivanovic

    Release SNES9X4P hardware scaled

    I prefer the 4:3 setting simply because it has (due to being a HW scaling mode) the lowest CPU usage. Just an example (for one of the non trival games) is Secret of Mana. There you get about 70% CPU usage using one of the hardware scaling modes while it is 90% CPU usage in plain 2x2 software...
  5. ivanovic

    Snes9x4P v20111205 - Nun mit Hardwarescaling

    Dazu kann ich nur sagen: Ich freue mich über Patches, der Code ist offen und für jeden zugänglich: ;) In Sachen Sound bin ich mit der aktuellen Version allerdings recht zufrieden. Das heißt, dass man z.B. bei Secret of Mana einfach auf das...
  6. ivanovic

    Snes9x4P v20111205 - Nun mit Hardwarescaling

    Damit jene, die nur im deutschen Board unterwegs sind oder nicht regelmäßig ins Repo schauen oder später in längere threads in den englischen Boards nicht lesen nun auch als kurze Info hier: Es ist ne neue Version des Emulators raus. John4p hat die Möglichkeit des "Kanten abschneiden" bei...
  7. ivanovic

    Release SNES9X4P hardware scaled

    Correct. Ages ago SiENcE tried to port his sdl port over to a more recent version of Snes9x but it basically failed. That is the result on the pandora was just a black screen. No rendering happening at all. Some other reasons also speak against this upgrade like a reworked audio engine which is...
  8. ivanovic

    Release SNES9X4P hardware scaled

    Yes, it is the one that crashes most but those crashes most likely happen due to the display driver. There was a new frogatto release lately, but I had not much time to look into it (yeah, not yet announced on the frogatto website) though I had some issues when building (linking errors) during...
  9. ivanovic

    Beta Snes9X4D4P - Another New Build, Now With Hi Res And New Rom Picker

    Okay, I have been busy today and done some stuff for this emulator. The most obvious change is that I switched over to github, applied the patch from john4p (all the changes in "1.39ff.20111208.1") and completely reworked the menu (feedback welcome!). Besides I did some smaller changes, as...
  10. ivanovic

    Release SNES9X4P hardware scaled

    Okay, I have been busy today and done some stuff for this emulator. The most obvious change is that I switched over to github, applied the patch from john4p (all the changes in "1.39ff.20111208.1") and completely reworked the menu (feedback welcome!). Besides I did some smaller changes, as...
  11. ivanovic

    Android Handheld Yinlips Ydp-G18

    Rein von der Rechtslage ist das mit 22€ schon korrekt, *ABER* der Deutsche Zoll zieht erst Gebühren ab 5€ ein. Solange der MwSt Satz bei 19% liegt bedeutet dies eine effektive Freigrenze von 26,30€.
  12. ivanovic

    Du hast eine kleine Frage? Hier rein!

    Also, MPEG-4 ist schonmal eine gute Wahl. Für den Pandora ist H.264 dagegen problematisch, da es viel Last verursacht (es ist eine ziemlich hohe Kompression). Sinnvoller ist dagegen MPEG4 mit ASP (also das, was oftmals als DivX/Xvid bekannt ist. Aber genauso wichtig wie der "passende" Codec ist...
  13. ivanovic

    Recht enttäuscht

    Man sollte ja eh ein Begleitschreiben machen in dem man auflistet, was genau alles defekt ist. In dem Schreiben einfach erwähnen, was du alles mitgeschickt hast und was nicht. Also zumindest den akkudeckel solltest du schon mit schicken, persönlich würde ich auch den Rest dabei lassen, eben...
  14. ivanovic

    Recht enttäuscht

    Jedes Produkt hat ne gewisse Fehlerrate. Das ist vollkommen normal! Ja, von so ziemlich jedem (elektrischem) Gerät, das sich im Umlauf befindet wird immer ein kleiner Teil innerhalb der Garantiezeit einen defekt aufweisen. Alleine deshalb ist es sinnvoll vernünftige und gut strukturierte...
  15. ivanovic

    Release SNES9X4P hardware scaled

    Okay, added you as maintainer in the repo, just in case that you want to do stuff later on, too. Then you could also just send me the svn diff (please with changelog entry) and I will add it as well as removing the 'q' button for directly exiting the emulator and put out another release.
  16. ivanovic

    Release SNES9X4P hardware scaled

    I gave him a link to your post. Please do not forget to also add your change in the changelog (that is part of README_Snes9x4P.txt) and possibly tell me what account you are using at the repo so that I can give you upload access there, too. EDIT: Talked to him and came to the conclusion...
  17. ivanovic

    Pandora Crosscompiler Toolchain Based On Ipks

    Nice to hear that this toolchain works for you. Regarding your question: Personally I'd separate your "self compiled" libs from the "mainline" libs. You could eg alter the script to list the correct paths for includes and linking. Or you could make sure to manually specify those when building...
  18. ivanovic

    Beta Snes9X4D4P - Another New Build, Now With Hi Res And New Rom Picker

    Just to keep you busy increasing the download counter I did some more additional changes to this emulator. The changes are rather small and insignificant, though IMO the display of message like "State loaded" is a nice addition. As always the latest version is available via the repo. Changes in...
  19. ivanovic

    Release SNES9X4P hardware scaled

    Just to keep you busy increasing the download counter I did some more additional changes to this emulator. The changes are rather small and insignificant, though IMO the display of message like "State loaded" is a nice addition. As always the latest version is available via the repo. Changes...
  20. ivanovic

    PickleLauncher: issues, requests

    Yes, I uploaded an updated Snes9x4P some hours ago which includes the latest picklelauncher. I think that is the version zapman is using as of Snes9x4P "1.39ff.20111205.2" (.1 only had picklelauncher from some time in march). So any "issues" reported reflect the "current state".