Search results

  1. ivanovic

    Pandora der ersten Generation minderwertiger?

    Mal ehrlich, die Diskussion ist doch ziemlich irrelevant. Wenn man das Gerät verkauft gibt man mehr Daten an als zu sagen "das ist nen Pandora, nach dem Rest such mal selbst!". Und beim "Support" im Falle von Problemen sollte es erstmal keine soooo großen Unterschiede zwischen den beiden...
  2. ivanovic

    I need some text/inventory background tilesets

    In the open source gaming session we also talked about artwork stuff and some of the things might be interesting/relevant for you, too. Here is a short summary of what we mentioned (yes, it includes the opengameart reference but also one to
  3. ivanovic

    How free is the OpenPandora?

    Personally I think such a list is a good and great idea. To at least show that there are ways to buy devices without the stuff. But, uhm, on the website I was not actually able to find it... Do you also have a direct link to such a list? Personally I think that the Pandora can be recommended...
  4. ivanovic

    Meet me at the FOSDEM 2012! (2012-01-07)

    Okay, some first talks are available already, more are to follow once I got the okay from the speakers. Once I got some feedback from all speakers I'll forward this to the fosdem guys for more permanent hosting. So far I eg don't have the okay from ED for publishing the audio recordings of his...
  5. ivanovic

    2 Months..... umm, weeks to go (2012-02-06)

    Then cancel if you are not interested. Simple as that. Yes, you do save money since with the old price since ED DOES LOSE MONEY (compared to the costs he has for creating the device) with not charging you extra. If ED created the Pandora this day, that is the price he would have to charge. You...
  6. ivanovic

    2 Months..... umm, weeks to go (2012-02-06)

    And still ED is responsible for making sure that each of Craigs customers get their Pandora. Craig basically backed out of this. The basic position Craig has at the moment is that of a "reseller" (so to say), though I have no idea how Craig and ED handle the money stuff internally. Basically the...
  7. ivanovic

    Meet me at the FOSDEM 2012! (2012-01-07)

    One listener tried to record using some voice recorder and he agreed to provide me with the recording. That is I have recordings for *some* of the talks (not all, but some) from the gaming dev room. Yes, it is audio only and I have no idea about the quality. I will check this sometime "soon" and...
  8. ivanovic

    Meet me at the FOSDEM 2012! (2012-01-07)

    Yeah, here at fosdem I also used the pandora to attach my external (port powered) usb2.0 harddrive to show some fellow wesnoth devs a video. Had to do this because someone else was not able to get his xubuntu to play the video (plain xvid with mp3 video). Yeah, there are some lovely usecases for...
  9. ivanovic

    Cheats mit gpSP

    Ich glaube du bist hier falsch. Du hast im OpenPandora Forum ne Frage über ein Programm für den Pandora geschrieben, nutzt aber anscheinend selbst ne PSP, also was komplett anderes. Das von dir genutzte Icon dagegen stellt auch keine PSP sondern nen Cannoo dar...
  10. ivanovic

    Belohnung für alle Pandora Programmierer & co! (Hörbücher)

    Re: Belohnung für alle Pandora Programmierer & co! (Hörbüche <r>Geniale Aktion!<br/> Momentan betreue ich die pnds von <URL url=""><s></s>Battle for Wesnoth<e></e></URL> (unbedingt die neue 1.10er Serie runterladen!) sowie <URL...
  11. ivanovic

    Don't Panic! games cannot use even 256MB of ram.

    Currently I know exactly two programs of which I am 100% sure that they can make good use of the memory: Firefox and Battle for Wesnoth. Yes, the memory is used basically for data structures, not for data required during each display refresh. There the result of "not enough memory" is simply a...
  12. ivanovic

    Release Wesnoth 1.9.6

    Yes, this happens. Wesnoth is very challenging and you should start with the tutorial. The game is, differing from many modern days games, more based on defence than offence. Just rushing your enemy will likely give you a bloody nose where careful advances are more likely to be successful. And...
  13. ivanovic

    Release Wesnoth 1.9.6

    Turn based strategy game with role playing game elements.
  14. ivanovic

    PND package version number vs. application version number

    The answer to your question is twofolded: 1) There is the version of the package. This is, together with the package id, what the repo and pndmanager(s) use to determin "this is more recent than that". 2) In theory a "package" can include various programs (applications). Eg you could ship a...
  15. ivanovic

    Release Hotfix 7 Beta 1 released!

    And what is this "quick command"? Is it listed somewhere and do you have the respective link?
  16. ivanovic

    Release Hotfix 7 Beta 1 released!

    It is supposed to be a "two in one" issue...
  17. ivanovic

    Meet me at the FOSDEM 2012! (2012-01-07)

    Those not only interested in the pandora but also in other open source gaming development related topics can now check the schedule for this devroom. Each talk also features a (short) summary what it will be about as well as a speaker bio so that you get some idea why the speaker might have a...
  18. ivanovic

    Average Battery Life Of Pandora

    In October 2010 I was playing with the SNES emulator for some 9 to 10h (Settings: Wifi off, Display medium brightness, sound via speakers almost at max, no higher "power" level but CPU frequency set to 600MHz). After doing so I still had roughly 10% battery time left. Something similar last...
  19. ivanovic

    Werde ich meine Pandora jemals bekommen...?

    Dieses Jahr sollte definitiv funktionieren. Momentan besteht die Hoffnung, dass die ersten "finalen" Pandora aus deutscher Produktion gegen Ende Februar (eher Anfang März, wenn du mich fragst) ausgeliefert werden. Pro Monat können wohl mehrere hundert Geräte produziert werden, aber die genauen...
  20. ivanovic

    Release Panplayer Beta 5 - Uploaded to Repo

    Those are just containers and can have *significant* differences depending on the resolution of the files as well as things like the codecs used. Having some .mp4 or some .avi files say exactly zero!