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    1ghz pandora dreamcast emulation

    That was kind of my point. Ari64 seems to be do all of the impossible. But of course it was in jest. I doubt the work a DC emulator would take, especially without Iziel's ARM work to leverage, is just not worth it for what would be a proof of concept on a pandora type SoC. From what we've seen...
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    How much faster is the 1Ghz unit - what we know

    Absolute, yes. But leakage becomes a higher percentage of overall consumption as you shrink assuming the process methods are the same (no transition to SOI, for example).
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    1ghz pandora dreamcast emulation

    Must be what Ari64 has been doing lately :P
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    Release UAE4All 2.0

    Someone should update the emulator wiki: I would, but I'm not sure I'd get all the details right since I know next to nothing about UAE.
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    My Pandora 2 and ICP2 Keyboard Layout, GCW One/Dual(February 18th 2013)

    What makes you think LG will sell 3k of them to one buyer?
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    My Pandora 2 and ICP2 Keyboard Layout, GCW One/Dual(February 18th 2013)

    There's also a problem that no such 5" screen exists and OP doesn't have the type of demand to warrant a custom one.
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    Pandora outdated?

    ED, your statement about A15 is not correct either. Samsung is launching the dual core Exynos 5250 next quarter (Q2, dual core A15 on 32nm node). Tegra 4 will also be out before year's end if Nvidia stays on schedule, and that will feature A15 cores on a 28nm node. Then OMAP 5 and NovaThor A9600...
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    Next pandora (competition model)

    Ah, so I'll take from this post that the GPU drivers are solely TI provided and the project to write a to-the-metal driver for the SGX535 fell through.
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    Next pandora (competition model)

    I was talking ImgTec for compatibility reasons solely. I don't see an issue with A15 in 6-9 months since ED's criteria for Pandora 2 to launch won't be fulfilled that immediately. A15 designs are already sampling and I assume Michael was designing the pandora PCB during the time the OMAP 3...
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    Next pandora (competition model)

    Qualcomm and Samsung both make great SoCs, but neither use ImgTec (Samsung migrated to ARM's Mali GPUs with the Exynos 42xx and Qualcomm has been in the Adreno camp since the original snapdragon). Staying with TI would ensure ImgTec GPU on board. ST also uses ImgTec GPUs, and their upcoming...
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    Next pandora (competition model)

    From Ed's wording it sounded like that was the case for A8 and A9 processors. Perhaps I misunderstood what he said.
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    Next pandora (competition model)

    My understanding is that the only processor available in pandora quantities is a slightly higher clocked cortex A8 derivative. If that's the case, why bother pushing forward with what will essentially be a casing/screen update? I would think people would want at least a dual-core cortex A15 in...
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    Hp Touchpad

    Got mine from a friend who had an extra. Great little device for the $125 I paid. I really love their multi-tasking implementation as a former iOS 4 user and even as an android user. Too bad the software outlook is bleak. Hulu and Netflix could really make this little guy shine.
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    Pandora 2?

    Read page 5. They still have to use all of the 3530 chips they ordered before any talk of a new CPU is real.
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    Playstation Vita Will Finish The Pandora?

    So, Vita is confirmed to have 512MB of system RAM and 128MB of dedicated VRAM. This thing is going to be a beast and will have plenty of memory for emulation if it ever comes to that. However, you don't need to look at the pandora and vita as enemies. Their emulation development work can enrich...
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    Best Handheld For Emulation

    I'm going to agree with others and say the Caanoo. Only other possibility is if the PS Vita gets jailbroken, but given that console's potential dependence on online connectivity, even that may be a bad prospect. I'll admit I'm personally looking forward to the Vita being jailbroken though. I...
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    Prospective Console Recruitment

    Damn, I would love to sign on but know I don't have the time or comprehensive tool knowledge to be solo on something like this. I can imagine how much time MWeston sunk into Panda being solo and there's just no way. Good luck the brave engineer(s) that signs on though!
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    End-Of-Life Component

    OP wouldn't be promising batch 2 quantities if they couldn't secure the parts. The nubs company went out of business, but OP owns the design and can have them manufactured elsewhere.
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    Feedback on the Open Pandora device

    IMO NAND needs to only be large enough to house the OS. Any bigger than that, and you get into a debate about how much fast storage the user should be able to have. The problem is that NAND isn't cheap. Therefore, I think it makes sense to minimize NAND given their demographic. By the time the...
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    PCSX-ReARMed updated

    I would hope they could look on it with intelligence. It wasn't clearly describing a bug and it was only concerning a single game. It's not as if he went on about whole the emu was trash and didn't run any games, trying to cite examples.