Pokemon Netbattle Port?

Would be cool but it seems like the source is Win32 only. Someone experienced might have to have a look into the source code and figure out how much fiddling with it would be necessary to port this to linux. If it relies on a lot of win32 libraries or if it was written in Visual Basic you can pretty much forget about it.
babamthegrunt said:
Well the pokemon netbattle code just went public, so if someone could port this to pandora; I'd love them verily much.

can you point me to source code i did not see it on the site

xnopasaranx said:
Would be cool but it seems like the source is Win32 only. Someone experienced might have to have a look into the source code and figure out how much fiddling with it would be necessary to port this to linux. If it relies on a lot of win32 libraries or if it was written in Visual Basic you can pretty much forget about it.
even if it was written in Visual Basic it can just mean much more work ;)
I cant say how hard or easy or it is even possible to port til I see the source code
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I would rather have a pokemon MMO: http://www.pokemonworldonline.net/
It uses a java client, and should be pretty easy to port. The makers have made a linux version, and another person has it working on pocket pc. It would be pretty awesome IMO, as Pokemon Diamond lacks the "Massiveness" of this game. It has all of the first three regions, and the current gen one is under construction.
I haven't seen either of these games before, but I think both of them would be awesome on the Pandora.
I agree that both should be ported, but I found a java based netbattle clone that has better server support called shoddy battle. If we can get scource and permission these would be awsome ports.
Also link
*Head desk*
I just relized shoddy battle code is linked to right on the site. Let us port away!
No need to port NetBattle. NetBattle is very cool, but there probably are few if any NetBattle players on-line nowadays. I suggest going to https://play.pokemonshowdown.com instead. That website runs on free software, generally works in modern browsers, and virtually always has a lot of players on-line.

However, in case you still want to port NetBattle: I may still have the NetBattle source code.