I Might Be The Only One...

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Well, I have not played this game for around 4 years. When i tried Gnuboy, I was like lets do pokemon!!! Big mistake, I'm addicted.

Does anyone think it might be possible to link a gameboy to the gp2x and trade pokemon or have other uses in other games?
Possible, yes. Practical ... well, I could play with my wife, and 2 of my co-workers have a '2X, so for me, yes ... but from what I've read, seeing another human with a GP2X in person is quite rare.
I have to admit, I became addicted to a Pokemon RPG (Leaf Green?) late last year. Very well-made games, surprising to say the least, with plenty of stuff to do in them. Played it right to the end.

Perfect fodder for GNUboy.
TelcoLou posted on Jul 11 2006 at 10:00 PM said:
but from what I've read, seeing another human with a GP2X in person is quite rare.
well.....I've sold 2x's to 2 people in my school, and psymastr and I saw each other almost everyday with a 2x :P
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I'm getting close to convincing my friend to buy one, as long as i set up the emulators and crap ;) . But I'm wondering, can a gameboy be connected to a 2x with any work? I've got about 3 gameboys collecting dust right now <_<
the option would have to be built into the emulator, and a weird abomination of a cable would have to be made that could connect to a GB and the ext. port of the 2x.

btw, I love pokemon. I have been playing them since red and blue and I can't wait for diamond and pearl on the DS.
I'm sure 2P play could be done over the UART connection to the real machine, but I can't see someone taking the time to implement it really, since so few people would have the weird custom cabling it'd require.

A more practical approach may just be Gp2x to Gp2x connectivity with a male-to-male cable to match the connectors. Or possibly USB and just TCP/IP; I haven't messed with USB networking much but that might be possible without intermediary hardware like a PC. Honestly that's a feature I'd love to see on the other major emulators since I do have friends with '2xes.
2x to 2x would be great, and the cable would be easier then the 2x to gb one. But a guy can dream...
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Jul 11 2006 at 10:02 PM said:
TelcoLou posted on Jul 11 2006 at 10:00 PM said:
but from what I've read, seeing another human with a GP2X in person is quite rare.
well.....I've sold 2x's to 2 people in my school, and psymastr and I saw each other almost everyday with a 2x :P
Ya true. But now your going to college and the two people who bought the 2x at school I dont really talk to at all. Oh well. There is always time for a mass revolution and forcing a 2x down every semi-computer literate person out there.
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Forcing isn't needed, just flash your GP2X at a chess club and your set :), i wish america knew about this machine so i would have someone to discuss with.
i_am_a_noob posted on Jul 11 2006 at 11:58 PM said:
Forcing isn't needed, just flash your GP2X at a chess club and your set :), i wish america knew about this machine so i would have someone to discuss with.
Those kids are in the "chess club" if you can call it that. (No offense DCGM, but wasn't it just you 3 and WU playing chess?)
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Well I'm 36 years old and have a GP2X. None of my friends have a GP2X. A couple have a Nintendo DS and a PSP. When I showed them my GP2X, they asked "Is that, like, your latest Gameboy...?" and laughed.

Of course, after showing them MAME and Neo Geo they pretty much shut-up straight away and asked them if they had anything like that on their[/ handhelds.

Regardless, the GP2X will most likely always be a single player experience for me. But that's fine with me as I like my solo gaming (though I'd love to play MAME multiplayer!)
slaanesh posted on Jul 12 2006 at 07:23 AM said:
Of course, after showing them MAME and Neo Geo they pretty much shut-up straight away and asked them if they had anything like that on their[/ handhelds.

Well, they do, only it's faster than on our system. They have to pay attention to which Firmware has been cracked yet, though. Well, the PSP guys do.

EDIT: I forgot to say what I was GOING to say!
I bought Pokémon Red back in the day, and it was just one of those games that contributed to my neck now being a problem area.
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Very few people in my neighborhood can afford to buy a PSP, so there are a lot of GBA's around, mostly hidden, as it's not safe to flash good hardware around. Only thing keeping people from trying to take my GP32 is that it doesn't look like a better system than the original gameboy from a distance. Looks like one of those obscure knockoffs they sell with "Made in Taiwan" on the back.

But the few people I've shown the 2X to have pretty much had their minds blown. I play a couple seconds of the movies I have, and roll a couple seconds of Payback or show them DrMD and they drool. (Not on the unit, I'd kill them)
Connecting the 2x to a gb(a) would be another great way to show off the beautiful handheld!