Parlez vouz francaise? Or how to use our Linux Device for Learning Languages

i got me the Duolingo App
Duolingo is terrible for Japanese, but might work well for other languages (I think it's designed more for European languages)... I understand that Anki doesn't work well for everyone, it's oftentimes a boring slog, but learning and making progress is addictive in itself if you can get through those plateaus.
Whatever floats your boat. Btw, are there videos or TV stations broadcasting DRMless in French (preferably with subtitles) to foreign citizens without registration ? I only know (part of) It's not so important to try dodging geoblocking or giving personal data or money.
Once back in the day when DVD was still a thing, and the Movies where not broadcast on Streaming Services, i dit try to watch "la soup aux choix" the famous louis des funes movie where he is a old man in french and accidently he dit call an alien by farting that comes around then, and the 2 are getting friends because he cocks this soup aux choix that should be quite deliecious but lets you fart a lot ^^ French Humor from the 1970tes ^^ in french whit German Suptitles, but unfortunally the Suptitles did not fit to my own translation ..

This Movie got a Title Melodie that is one of my Favored ^^
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duolingo was great when i was learning esperanto.... except i lost interest after 3 or 4 months. i started French in highschool 48 years ago... lol damn im old.
i have always wanted to learn properly but just never got around to it. i did sign up in duolingo for french but i havent spent tthe time required to learn .
Well as Anki was not that motivating as i though, i plan now to use my Ipad OS Device, i got me the Duolingo App, and i plan to read some French Magazines provided from the Readly App, as the Ipad Air allready supports Multiple Windows, i could read the Magazine on a part of the Ipad Screen or on the whole screen and have a Internet Dictionary on my Small TV/Monitor on my Desk ..
I dont know if this would help, but its a plan..
Also i found finally the French Chansons from "Reinhard Mey" , a famous German Singer Songwriter, maybe these will also help to get a feeling for the language.. (alonge whit Charles Aznavour)..
Not motivating? Anki works great for learning words. The motivation is to learn all the words!

I used both and I really think Anki is better for word learning. Duolingo has too many aps and distracting fluff. I use Anki for words, Youtube for grammar, and books, videos, and people for practice.
this is just a mock-up but might be this could work this way.. learning by doing ..
After one half year since i download the Duolingo App, i finally got the time yesterday to start whit my French Course there, its fun already, so i think i will try to have a few lessons per day, who knows? Might be i get good progress and in a few months im done and can start the next Course? What language would also make sense to know? Espaniol and Italiano? They are Romanic Languages too but dont have this difficult gramatics like the Frenchs have ..
(Might be the French did invent there wyrd Gramatic as they hate Germans and dont want them to know there language) ..
not trying to be cheeky, but add english to your duolingo.. not that you need it for much , just some spelling and grammar. English is a confusing language for spelling as we stole words from a lot of other languages giving us some weird spelling.
I had fun with Esperanto for about 6 months but i couldnt get anyone i know to try it . I keep forgetting that i have started French on duolingo.
Well, maybe its not the best idea to learn more romantic languages, although i dont think i would ever need more than German, English and French, so this might be a good idea to add English to my Courses.. i had a few Years in Work Shool whit English, a few semester evening shool, and this Boards for Training but well, it might be a good idea..

also English and French are the Official Language of the United Nations..
Well, maybe its not the best idea to learn more romantic languages,
You know, any language can be romantic if the people speaking it feel right. There's romanticism even without words. A smile, a glance, a drop of eyes...
I seem to remember there used to be a court for love affairs in Aachen ? Did they write the proceedings in Occitan, German, Dutch, French, Luxemburgish ?
At least for Duolingo i have again a reason to use this Apple Ipad Magic Keyboard ^^ Its also quite nice that its allready in French Mode on this App ..
Might be if this App works as i hope, whe can have our Fall Journy next year to Paris
I did start yesterday short whit the English Course, but seems like its a bit more difficult to find a good entry point there, Course 1 is quite Low Level, i mean "Tee - Tea" is something i allready know..
So i go fulltime for French at first,
i have my issues whit the spelling, whit the Conjugation Stuff, but Hear and Understand works allready..
"Monsiour" par Exemple: Even though they say something that sounds like "Missiour" its written Monsiour (Mister)
Who knows: Might be i will find my way sometime in a future on to a french Pyra Convention?
I even did use today a short part of my Break for 2 Lessions, when i start the Course i did say i can a bit French, so its did automatically finsished the First Level.. but might be i only remember a few word from 24 Years ago in Shool..

I got much more issues whit the first Level of French than whit English, mostly whit this stuff the French got, but the English dont have .. "Je a, tu a, ill elle a, nous avonz, vous avez" ..
And whit the forms for different Time Stuff: Je lit un journal ..

The Translation of German Words to French is something you can make out whit Logic, but conjugation seems quite random .. ..

Its fun whit this App, i will try to use it now daily..
I even did use today a short part of my Break for 2 Lessions, when i start the Course i did say i can a bit French, so its did automatically finsished the First Level.. but might be i only remember a few word from 24 Years ago in Shool..

I got much more issues whit the first Level of French than whit English, mostly whit this stuff the French got, but the English dont have .. "Je a, tu a, ill elle a, nous avonz, vous avez" ..
Mon dieu!
Veux-tu dire ... ?
Tu as
Il a
nous avons
vous avez
Ils ont

And whit the forms for different Time Stuff: Je lit un journal ..
Ich liest eine Zeitung ?
Ich Bett eine Zeitung ?
Ich lese eine Zeitung ?
Ich habe eine Zeitung gelesen ?

Veux-tu dire ... ?
Je lis un journal
J'ai lu un journal

The Translation of German Words to French is something you can make out whit Logic, but conjugation seems quite random .. ..
Do you mean the French conjugation or your version? The French conjugation is fixed, with a handful of cases where 2 conjugations are possible.
Not all verbs are regular, just like in almost any language, But each verb, time, person and number is always written the same.

Its fun whit this App, i will try to use it now daily..
Is this App using just audio, without text ?
Im quite at the beginning, so this stuff is still not on my Skill Table..
there are sentences where you have a voice speaks something, and you have to pick the right words, for hear understanding, there are some where you have to train your speaking, sometimes you have to write something..

i know there is a special French Army where people from other country’s can join , they have a special French Course and when you was long enough there, you get the French citizenship..
Well, I'd say learning French is the weirdest reason to join the Légion étrangère.
But then I think joining any army group is weird, so it may be just me...
when I was about 20, germany still had this Army Duty time where every German had to go to a test and if you where good enough, you had 9 months or so play soldier light..these are not meant to go to war,.. in this 9 months..

so I went to the „Kreiswehrersatzamt“ , and the Army Medicin Man found that I’m not „Wehr Tauglich „ T3:: dammed I would had a lot of fun back then driving Panzers, Flying Helicopters.. U-Boote .. ^^
so the Legion étrangère would also not take me..
so I went to the „Kreiswehrersatzamt“ , and the Army Medicin Man found that I’m not „Wehr Tauglich „ T3:: dammed I would had a lot of fun back then driving Panzers, Flying Helicopters.. U-Boote .. ^^

Careful with tanks, mind Stevie.
Edit: I didn't mean alcohol is good for piloting helicopters or submarines.

so the Legion étrangère would also not take me..
Well, I know someone who received the letter declaring him unfit for compulsory military service and took champagne to the high school to celebrate (quite insensitive for the classmates who were forced to go to service or prison, should have celebrated alone, in family, or somewhere else).
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