how many 1 ghz preorders are left? and who has one coming !


Still Fresh
Apr 13, 2012
olympia washington
i just paid for mine yesterday and im number 29 of 150... please post with your queue number and date if you ordered one so we can have a list of who ordered and how many are left to sell still.

this upgrade reignited my interest in the pandora :D (upgraded from a oct 2010 preorder)

2 Foxgod

3 Wrath of Khan

13 Zuk

14 itami

16 CountOrlock

25 stouffa

27 NearTao

29 brandonwalsh420

32 ~Levi~

36 Grench

39 samgrund

46 Loonie

47 BAFelton

50 greg

55 ArchiMark

60 Bagpussawake

61 ouinouin74

63 spaceboy

67 archcosmo

68 Monkfish

70 Maquis196

74 hdonk

78 Abanest

80 nigame

84 Gamer

89 tofdz

93 isc.grant

94 Niko

95 jabz

96 lobski


99 palstyo

106 >reSPAWNed<

107 buddy of >reSPAWNed<

110 smurfer

111 zev

115 NLS

116 urisma

119 dsjah

131 Naynay

133 bollof

134 Binth

135 quadcricket

137 webcraaawler

138 ferrule

140 kamui_kun

142 Ethelif

149 freds_shadow

? Wally

? MasterJulian
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I was an april 2009 orderer, upgraded past week and am number 2 in line for the Panda+.

Hopefully more people will support Ed&Craig, come on people, lets sell out those 1ghz models.
Well if there are 30 sold at 700 a pop that's approx $21,000. Not bad considering they were just announced a few days ago.
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Ed has a different queue if people upgraded their order though him - HOWEVER they will be combined to give final places this time.

We have a load more invoices to send out, so I'd assume between us we might be at 70-80 units sold?

It's great news considering it's just been a forum post and yesterday night a tweet.
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Ed has a different queue if people upgraded their order though him - HOWEVER they will be combined to give final places this time.

We have a load more invoices to send out, so I'd assume between us we might be at 70-80 units sold?

It's great news considering it's just been a forum post and yesterday night a tweet.
looks like the 1ghz pandoras will be a success.It brings some pizazz back to the pandora.A newer pandora is a good selling point.
I was an Oct 2008 preorderer, and upgraded because I wanted the Pandora originally as an ultimate emulation machine and I figured the 1ghz model has a chance to stay that for a bit longer. :) (especially with the faster RAM and more L1 cache, will be nice to not HAVE to overclock so much, and to be able to push it out even farther if I do) So I guess I had the best payment plan, half of the price 3.5 years ago, the other half yesterday. ;) I was #24 from Craig's store.

It's a bit odd since apparently my pre-order was FINALLY set to ship in the next batch or 2 of Pandoras received (I was told 2-3 weeks tops) to purposely set my order back another Two Months, but this gives me back some of the "early adopter buzz" I had when I originally ordered the Pandora. ;)

I had resisted upgrading my order to a Premium, but since this seems like a fairly nice upgrade I decided it was worth it to pay more to get the higher specs.. (instead of paying more to get the same thing :) -- same reason I almost never pay for expedited shipping.. patience is a virtue :) )
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I was an april 2009 orderer, upgraded past week and am number 2 in line for the Panda+.

Hopefully more people will support Ed&Craig, come on people, lets sell out those 1ghz models.
Jacqueline e-mailed me back.She had forgotten to include my queue position.Im number 3.Sweet.
I am still waiting for ED to confirm his Bank Details so I can pay my upgrade. I have no idea what queue number I have if any. Is anyone else ordering a 1Ghz unit from ED?
I want to upgrade but don't have the cash :( As for me I ordered back in april of 2010.
And you could probably sell more. I'm still waiting for answers on these questions:

- Can I only order upgrades with ED or also full units? The post does only mention upgrades.

- How much in Euro?

Anyone able to answer that? regards, b.
Upgraded my preorder from oct 2009 over the weekend, hoping Jacquelyn can send me a queue number :)

EDIT: I'm #39 in Craig's queue! :D
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We're going to increase the 1Ghz publicity a little more this week again, to push things to close to the 150 units.

I think I'm at 50 units now (well, as of the weekend past).
Do you have to sell all 150 units before the run can commence?