A couple weeks ago I lunched a Iphone Game called 'The Epic Adveture of Milton' you can see Here
I also have a cool trailer for it hereHere (Mods if you could help me embed the video that would be cool.). I want to try and gauge how much community interest there would be if I would port it to...
What I really dont understand is how come the psp2 never makes a showing at E3. The last several E3 it is rumored to show up but then it never does. What gives?
So let me understand this Cragix, you don't want any customers that have any deadline set and only want customers willing to wait forever. Is that the case or what is your beef with Joost.
I read the following articles today:
They were kind of light on details and what sort of protection the 3DS would deploy. Does anyone have more details or care to...
Hey when are you guys receiving your Pandoras. I ordered mine March 2009 I am order number 1800 so it might be awhile till I receive mine. The winking lizard is a pretty cool bar. Some of the locations have private rooms for parties and events(not the one on Coventry unfortunately ). I don’t...
Just because there is a meet up in the Midwest does not mean there can’t also be one in Kansas if there is enough interest. Hell there can be one in both Cleveland and Chicago and people could attend both if they really wanted. If no one wants to organize a meet up in Cleveland I might try to...
I am mostly a lurker here on these boards, but I live in Cleveland and I would go to a meet up. I am around order 1800 so I probably won’t have mine any time soon. Just a suggestion on the Venue the maker’s alliance ( http://www.makersalliance.org/) would probably let us meet up there for free...
Well I think the bounty should be saved for when there is a lull in the development on some of the more advance emulators. If the deves were to stop working on say N64, PSX, or dosbox. I think the bounty should go to one of those systems. The Pandora can to lots of things but let’s face it. It...
That’s great news. It does make me feel a little better. Any chance any of the team members mention anything about the cases in china while you were there. :P
Sorry for being so pessimistic, but I think they have some sort of production problems that they are silent about. This would explain the number of units shipped and the lack of a green light for the cases. In the past the open Pandora team have been silent when problems have originally arose...
Torpor I disagree with your thoughts of asking about the status of the remaining cases. I am of the opinion that on a public forum you are free to ask any non offensive question you would like directed at anyone. So any one could basically ask the open Pandora team anything. On the flip side...
does anybody know anything about this card
It is a 32 gig from SanDisk for just $75(free shipping).
It seems like it is a really good deal but I have not found the class speed which makes me kind...
I think you are way too optimistic. How long have you been following this project?(kidding)I realize tweaking molds is different than producing cases but the plastics company has not really been known for being punctual.