Taking A Week Off

Just wanted to say enjoy your break and thank you for all of your hard work on PandoraPress.
cheers from a fellow aussie gruso, enjoy the time off - hope you're not taking time off to watch that gay soccer stuff :-) (joking of course, some of my best friends are soccer players lol)

craig or ed - gruso is worth his weight in gold to these forums and opt - i don't think there'd be any self-respecting, reasonable person on these boards who'd be concerned to see him jumped up the queue a little :-)

cheers, simon
Jeez, look at all this sycophantic brown nosing! Look, if you give him an inch, next thing he'll want a paypal donation button. He looks like a freakin illegal Alien ergo...NO RIGHTS and GET BACK TO WORK...I mean how much news do you guys think he'll produce when he actually gets his grubby little mits on her?

Just kidding :)

Cut yourself some slack and soak up some quality R & R time Gruso style! You the man and dont let us forget it.
Good call Gruso, some time away from the blog and this place actually sounds like a really good idea. I hope you come back all rejuvenated with your regular positive energy and level headedness that helps keep the rest of us from going all batshit crazy and flaming everyone to hell.

hmm, maybe I should take a break from this place too.
Ditto the above.

You will be missed... your return will be welcomed.

(Has he gone already?, he can read he was missed on return :) ).
SomeGuy99 said:
I could tell you've been unhappy for a while Gruso.

I noticed a change in you, I thought 'Gosh, Gruso seems so demotivated doesn't he?'. I felt so sorry that you had to keep reporting on all the Pandora activity, and still had no machine of your own. I thought that was cruel and unjust.

You're one of my favourite people on the internet, so I wish you all the best with your rest. :)
He still doesn't have a Pandora? I wouldn't continue my blog until I had my Pandora if I was Gruso. It sucks to report on what you can't have.
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I'd happily slip one place further down the queue for Gruso to get his pandora. The guy has done as much for this community as anyone. I say let him have his now...
centrlink said:
craig or ed - gruso is worth his weight in gold to these forums and opt - i don't think there'd be any self-respecting, reasonable person on these boards who'd be concerned to see him jumped up the queue a little :-)

Easy for me to say as I have mine but +1

Gruso has been immense
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To: craigix and/or ED
Subject: Petition To Get Gruso His Pandora
From: People who love Gruso and the work he has done for us

We, the undersigned, do hereby petition Craigix and/or ED (their choice) to send Gruso his Pandora *Right Away* so that he can -honestly- continue to pimp the product as well as he has done in the last year, and continue to be a motivating, coherent force in our community.


I'm pretty sure it was suggested that Gruso get one right away and he humbly refused the offer. He's in line waiting patiently like the rest of us, and I think that's how he wants to stay. No preferential treatment. :)
torpor said:
To: craigix and/or ED
Subject: Petition To Get Gruso His Pandora
From: People who love Gruso and the work he has done for us

We, the undersigned, do hereby petition Craigix and/or ED (their choice) to send Gruso his Pandora *Right Away* so that he can -honestly- continue to pimp the product as well as he has done in the last year, and continue to be a motivating, coherent force in our community.



+1 from me, reckon they should send him a gold painted one.

Gruso, it was your work providing updates via the blog that made me keep the faith and not cancel no matter what, wouldn't be surprised if there were a few others in that boat too.

Enjoy your break.
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torpor said:
To: craigix and/or ED
Subject: Petition To Get Gruso His Pandora
From: People who love Gruso and the work he has done for us

We, the undersigned, do hereby petition Craigix and/or ED (their choice) to send Gruso his Pandora *Right Away* so that he can -honestly- continue to pimp the product as well as he has done in the last year, and continue to be a motivating, coherent force in our community.



^^name added

it would greatly benefit OpenPandora LTD and the community to get a pandora in Gruso's hands - stat (whether he likes it or not :P)
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While I have found Gruso's efforts invaluable; already having a Pandora myself I can't really find it moral to add a signature.

I can however give my applause for the work you have done Gruso, it's been incredibly useful, thank you.