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Certified Guru
Staff member
Jan 12, 2004
Salzburg, Austria
I'm just on the way to bring the GP32 section of PDRoms up to date... so I tought I let you guys guess how many GP32 homebrewn games are approximatly out. For now I allready have over 100 different unique games.
1 million :D

just joking

probably around 150 - 200 area.... I think

hehe 666 the number of the GP32 Beast :D
craigix posted on Apr 23 2004 at 05:00 PM said:

Do you know something? ;)

I guess 323!!!! :P

Actually, 150 +/- 50
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I think PDRoms is organized alphabetically, so if you want your game or app to show up first, simply start it with a number or an A.

Not a good method IMO. As you get a lot of 15 day compo demos up front, and all the good stuff towards the end. I dont know how else you could fairly organize it though...
A rating system would be nice, but it would take a lot of work to get setup.

They already have an "Extra Information" section on the listing, but this usually just says "FXE" or "NO WADS INCLUDED", it doesnt say if its a complete game, a beta, etc.. . it would make things a lot easier, I am not about to download 300 games to find the 10 that are actually good.