Camaleon Fenix Game Good!


Active Member
Sep 29, 2003
I just tried this game and must say it looks good, and plays well.

Its kinda like bubble bobble or super methane brothers, you eat a character, then you MUST shoot him at other characters on the screen. There is a time limit that you must shoot the character out before you die, which is wierd but adds different gameplay. Press B to use tongue to eat creatures, press BB to shoot creature out (hehe) ;)

Pressing A jumps up a platform, pressing down lowers or jumps down a platform.

Music, sound effects, and claylike animation, very fun!

Notes, install camaleon.fxe into /gpmm
install camaleon folder with everything else into /gpmm

Have fun.

I wish the newspage had more info, I was frustrated till I figured out the shooting thing. The news doesn't do this game justice.

When i installed cameleon, sometin wrong went wrong. it said sometin forgot, i think it said error blahblahblah, not much of a description but it just rebooted. i think it meant that sometin was missing so i must b doing sometin wrong. i put the folder and the .fxe in the /gpmm dont no what else to do, but i was installing it quickly cause i was in a rush.... mayb i will reinstall now

Just ignore this cause it may make no sense, ii tend to do that since im so lazy i dont like reading what i just wrote. damn i hope that made sense :)
you know that chui ported fenix.... chameleon was an existing game and has easily been ported, maybe you guys should learn it too (no C/c++ or asm or such stuff required), its quite easy .... everyone can port fenix/div games :D
Yes, i think that i have bought worse games at joygp :D But Camaleon need reduce to 8bit color screen for adding frames per second.

Now, i'm adapting others DevilishGames for Dreamcast and GP32:

1- R3y3s : 3 mini-games (Christmas theme)


2- DevilishRacing : Car racing likes SuperSprint or SuperOffRoad.


3- AstroChaos : Shoot'em up.


:D :P :D
YAFL doesn't launch correctly either (atleast 0.21, haven't tried 0.3). Seems that the way YAFL & Windups launch it, the program can't read it's own *.fxe name.
chui posted on Apr 16 2004 at 11:32 AM said:
Yes, i think that i have bought worse games at joygp :D But Camaleon need reduce to 8bit color screen for adding frames per second.

Now, i'm adapting others DevilishGames for Dreamcast and GP32:
Are you gonna port Devilish racing over to the GP? looks like a fun game. :)
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Wolfsclaw posted on Apr 16 2004 at 10:51 AM said:
you know that chui ported fenix.... chameleon was an existing game and has easily been ported, maybe you guys should learn it too (no C/c++ or asm or such stuff required), its quite easy .... everyone can port fenix/div games :D
If you could give me a link where it helps explain to do such porting i would try it, i am learning c++ now but i can try porting trhrough fenix(i hope thats the program or else im gonna sound like an idiot)
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