Open Snes/nes/gb

Yoyo is a great coder, if you want him to continue work on GP32 projects why not just send him a nice e-mail and ask him. while offering money is always a good incentive, if their heart isnt in it - its silly wasting the time.

One thing about emulator coding is, its fun getting everything to work - but once its all running it gets very tedious having to rewrite and optimize, as hours and hours of work may only result in a tiny speed increase, which is why i suspect most Snes emus have moved across to Zodiac, as you wouldn't have to sit around coding ASM for weeks on end to get it running at a decent speed.


on the bright side - i dont worry to much about the Zodiac, while it is more powerfull than the GP32, i dont think it'll mean the GP32 dies out, i personally like coding on low powered platforms as its nicer to code closer to the metal and see how far you can push the hardware, and the GP32 can do 2D to its hearts content without having to worry about the CPU capacity.
Wait, now before EVERYBODY sends him a mail, we should decide who sends j´him one. I wouldn´t like 100+ emails saying "please code this, please code that". That would probably piss him off.
lol, well i haven't e-mailed him.. personally i think we should leave him to make up his own mind, by the look of his website - hes been working on his Zodiac projects since december and hasn't really touched the GP32 stuff, but seeing as his Zodiac projects are fullspeed now hopefully he'll shift focus back to GP32 if he isnt already bored of emulation.

another suggestion would be to support the coders still working on emus for the GP32, from first hand experiance i know the wrath of the GP32 'tards whenever your annouce an emulator :P ITS FAKE ITS FAKE!! and so forth.

maybe the remaining GP32 coders should unite and work on one together. i'd be up for that.
So once for all :


I write stuff for Z but I'm in the process of debugging/giving the final touch to the
asm cpu core for os9xgp.

So please stop all this post/emails about me leaving the gp32 scene :(
Had fun reading this thread, guys, although it is a little disconcerting to hear all this talk of the Zodiac for new GP32 users like myself (TBH I just dismissed it as vapourware before now).

The reasons I'm not too pissed off:

a) From what I hear, a lot of the emulators on the GP32 run fine. Yeah, thre's no full-speed SNES emulator (yet), but we've got PCengine, MSX, NES, SMS, Atari ST...there's hundreds if not thousands of games right there. Plus you don't have to lay down at least $300 to play them, and you can use plain old rechargeable AA's.

B) I don't like how the Zodiac comes in several different flavours. Making a version with more RAM might sound like a neat idea, but it really isn't. Consoles, IMHO, differ from PCs in two respects - ease of use and constant hardware specs. If the Xbox or PS2 were available with different specs, making some games run worse on some systems, wouldn't you be a little pissed off? Especially if you couldn't afford the enhanced Xbox that makes Ninja Gaiden run at full speed instead of the choppy version you're forced to play. Yeah, I know the N64 and several other consoles have been given upgrades before now, but they were mostly inexpensive...and the one's that weren't (Mega CD etc) were faliures. I really hope Nintendo and Sony don't do the same with their new handhelds.

c) That battery thing that Akuma mentioned. Ouch! Maybe someone will be able to manufacture a homebrew version, but I doubt it. And, in all honesty, what are the chances of Tapware NOT going out of business? Slim to nil, I think.

Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. I'm still totally looking forward to my GP32...and at half the cost of the 32Mb Zodiac, I think it's great VFM. :D
yoyofr posted on Apr 15 2004 at 12:26 PM said:
So once for all :


I write stuff for Z but I'm in the process of debugging/giving the final touch to the
asm cpu core for os9xgp.

So please stop all this post/emails about me leaving the gp32 scene :(
Hurrah! Colour me happy.

This is the fourth reason: the community rocks.
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Two hours?? My GP32 can run @ 156MhZ w/ FLU & volume for 3h 40min w/ 2100mAh Ni-Mh's (according to battrey benchmark). Plus, I always carry around my second set, so I have 7h 20m total (using OSXGP. other things, I might get 15h or more) :D

Edit: O_o three posts, including the one from yoyofr while I was posting :)
yoyofr posted on Apr 15 2004 at 12:26 PM said:
So once for all :


I write stuff for Z but I'm in the process of debugging/giving the final touch to the
asm cpu core for os9xgp.

So please stop all this post/emails about me leaving the gp32 scene :(
Nice to hear it straight from the top. It's amazing how rumours can quickly turn into the generally believed version of things.

Let that be a lesson to everyone!

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Well irony of irony, having had my change of heart in the other thread I have donated money to both Rlyeh and Yoyo as a thank you for their work and as motivation to finishing begun projects.
@yoyo: Thanks a lot. Could you please post your donation address, so I can
send you some bucks for Little John GP?

yoyofr posted on Apr 15 2004 at 12:26 PM said:
So once for all :


I write stuff for Z but I'm in the process of debugging/giving the final touch to the
asm cpu core for os9xgp.

So please stop all this post/emails about me leaving the gp32 scene :(
Yes! Thank you! We're not worthy, we're not worthy.
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Axeman posted on Apr 15 2004 at 01:00 PM said:
yoyofr posted on Apr 15 2004 at 12:26 PM said:
So once for all :


I write stuff for Z but I'm in the process of debugging/giving the final touch to the
asm cpu core for os9xgp.

So please stop all this post/emails about me leaving the gp32 scene :(
Nice to hear it straight from the top. It's amazing how rumours can quickly turn into the generally believed version of things.

Let that be a lesson to everyone!

yeah, well I don't get myself either: I started reading this thread and suddenly I felt so discouraged... my apoligies :)
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Maybe someone should put up Yoyo's post in the news just so everyone is aware of it and would stop all these freakin' threads about him leaving the GP32 scene.
Hm i didn't have time to post for this thread I was gonna say that he already said he was still working on it. Haha funny read first oh hes gone than ass licking galore. haha