
he was finishing writing the last line of assembly code to his emulators (making them ALL full speed with sound no frameskip) when his monitor exploded, making him mentally retarded...he just sits there all day hitting the g key on his keyboard yelling gp32...its sad...
nerd of nerds posted on Apr 13 2004 at 06:27 PM said:
he was finishing writing the last line of assembly code to his emulators (making them ALL full speed with sound no frameskip) when his monitor exploded, making him mentally retarded...he just sits there all day hitting the g key on his heyboard yelling gp32...its sad...
Hahaha. This was better than the flame I prepared, hehehe.
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don posted on Apr 13 2004 at 11:31 AM said:
nerd of nerds posted on Apr 13 2004 at 06:27 PM said:
he was finishing writing the last line of assembly code to his emulators (making them ALL full speed with sound no frameskip) when his monitor exploded, making him mentally retarded...he just sits there all day hitting the g key on his heyboard yelling gp32...its sad...
Hahaha. This was better than the flame I prepared, hehehe.
thanks...hehe...i'm just glad i got to this before many ppl did...

lets here your flame as well :D
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Naw, don't flame.

Regardless of whether Rlyeh releases anything else ever for the GP32, he already has released more than 99.9% of us ever will or could.

Perhaps the European release will bring a new series of Rlyeh's to the GP32.
Hwrd posted on Apr 13 2004 at 12:23 PM said:
Naw, don't flame.

Regardless of whether Rlyeh releases anything else ever for the GP32, he already has released more than 99.9% of us ever will or could.

Perhaps the European release will bring a new series of Rlyeh's to the GP32.
ummm, i wasn't flaming...i was merely telling the truth...

SOMETIMES he switches to yelling "GOD MODE"...but thats only once or twice a day...
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Just because the emulators are free, it doesn't make it any less cruel that he promised to release them (on his website) and keeps perfectly working betas locked away from the public.

Not saying it's wrong, just cruel.

Rico, if you weren't this forum's "Certified GP32 Complete-and-Utter-Madman-Oddball-El-Loco" you'd get flamed for that little outburst.

As it is, you just get a hearty slap with a surreal strawberry ice cream cone :)

61 indeed!
rlyeh posted on Apr 13 2004 at 11:05 PM said:
He lives!

Sorry if i was appearing facetious and rude, but just like someone said above, this guy is clearly an amazing coder and i'd love to see his work given the true glory it deserves and released in a form that he views as his best.

Basically, after the xmas release i was sure we'd see a finished version from him of fgen.

Kinda hard to articulate without sounding like some prepubescent whining kid who wants a perfect genesis emu, it'd just love to see a release that Rlyeh himself doesnt think of as a beta.

Now flame me to hell if you still think im an arse... :ph34r:
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aint that a bitch!
hes been here the whole time listening to ya whine!
( oo , it rhymes )

oo, soo does that!
im a poet! , didnt even know it

ahh again!

yes, an improved fgen would be great. fgen and osnes9x are the most important emulators to be released, in my opinion....(and both are so close to be finished)

will we see a new fgen at the coding competition at may 1st?

...i hope so
Why are you guys being so rude to rlyeh?

He has worked very hard for ages for the gp32 community and when no1 hears from him in a while people begin to bitch and even were gonna flame him.

He has already done enough for the gp32 community let the man do what he wants

He has done well if he left the community right now i wouldnt be sad he has done way more than he deserves and im just getting sick of seeing people put people down on this board.

Geez I mean rlyeh's a great guy and even I could keep my mouth shut wondering where he is. Couldn't you wait at least till the end of the compo to see if he entered anything? And if you want hir emus to be worked on than DONATE like it says in Fgen and FGB "gimme your damn money :)" I DID maybe only $5US but better than nothing and if another improved Fgen beta comes out I'll give another $5. Anyway if everyone donated $5 than it would add up to a lot. Please don't take offence from this thread rlyeh..........
Hey, if any of this is aimed at me, I've said enough nice things about rlyeh and I still stand by them. But he has been intentionally silent, even in this thread, so we don't even have an idea if he's entering stuff in the compo.
@ Rico none of what I said was aimed at you. I wouldn't mind hearing some news from rlyeh as well. I don't know maybe he's keeping silent because he has a secret beta of maybe Fgen???? up his sleeve for the compo which will satisfy everyone forever :D haha
Ryleh we all enjoy your work, and we don't want to force you in to doing anything more then you already have, because what you've already done is an ungodly amount :P. If you can find it in your heart, release some of your private betas. But only if you want to, I'll still wub you either way :wub: