Its Time To Get Things Straight

Fave Retro Console/Computer ?

  • Atari 2600

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sinclair (all)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Commodore 64

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Master System

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mega drive/Genesis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Snes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Game boy (all accept ADVANCE)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Amiga

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undecided/Everything

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Still Fresh
Apr 3, 2004
I thought it would be fun to see what consoles/computers are the most popular amongst the good people at :lol:
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The Genesis! I had an absoloute blast with the games and was faithful with it right till the end. I even got to play sonic 3d blast and virtua fighter 2 on it :) Best machine ever. Best games: Any sega game and a few others here and there :D
Not easy to choose one. I have the fondest memories of Sinclairs, but then I also loved a lot of the others.

A bit of everything (he says sitting firmly and squarely on the fence...)
I had to go for the SNES. IMO still Nintendo's finest hour, with some truly classic games that remain impressive today as they were back in the day (unlike most of the other platforms listed). It also has one of the best designs, with a functional 6-button pad and funky (and fun) eject button. I believe that ALL modern consoles should come with a similar eject button as standard...the PS2/Xbox's smooth movement just isn't comparable!

Oh, and they should all be equipped with ashtrays, too.
I'd have to go with c64 since my favorite retro-system, would be considered from what I actually myself remember from my childhood.

The reason I mention this is because if I compare the old systems from todays point of view, I truely must say I've been impressed by the Sega Master System. The gfx of some of the games for this system almost seem to belong to the 16-bit generation (Wolfchild, SF2, Aladdin...).
I mean just compare Aladdin for SMS with Aladdin for NES.

Hell... Add a SID sound-chip to that console, and they wouldn't ever had to bother with releasing Genesis :P (yes... I still think to this day the sound of the c64 surpassed many of the systems of the early 90's.)

BTW never experienced anything for Sega Master System before I got my GP32.

EDIT: Oh yeah... 'nother system missing: "Amiga" - but nevermind. It just doesn't feel as "retro" for me as the c64, allthough I today play Amiga emulation a lot more.
i grew up with an nes that my dad got was sooo much fun! but then our friend got an snes, i remember playing zombies ate my neighbors and my mom thought that it was too violent for

but see, i worked my way up to more violent games... i first played goldeneye when i was 6 or 7...good times... and they taught me how to shoot...REALLY well... :lol: not kidding...
alot of c64 fans, hmm its a shame I never got to experiance it in the past, but I will soon once I get my GP 32 FLU!!! :lol:
I would say Amiga, but since I can't choose that one in the poll, I picked SNES which is another great system (and you don't want me to get started why).
Sega Mega Drive, although I didn't grow up with it, I grew up with the Sega Genesis :P. Ahh fond memories of 16 player tournaments in Street Fighter :D
Rico posted on Apr 12 2004 at 12:32 AM said:
Mega Drive damnit! SNES might have had some better games but no Sonic, and I grew up with the MD.
Yeah go the Genesis fans. Though here it was called a mega drive which I think sounds cooler, anyway the snes might have had more games but I think the Genesis had more brilliant games except for RPGs. Snes wins there :P I still play the md all the time. Streets of Rage 3 being my alllllll time favourite :D And Snes was still good just I loved sega games back than not the crap they release now on the gba and new consoles. Sonic advance ARGHHHH so baaaaaaaad
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Well, the tandy/Radio Shack coco3... I had like 4 or 5 of them when I was young and about 1000 disks (lots of official commercial games and also lots of silverware and other stuff) and 100 carts. First thing I learnt to program, sure it was basic at first but then I used edtasm+ for a bit (too complicated when your that young) Then my dad sold them all except one system, a monitor(very nice tv actually, just needs to be bigger) and two games.... that sucked. So instead I chose SNES because that's what I enjoy the most besides PSX. Lol, if I read the poll more closely before voting I would have voted snes, but I think I clicked on genesis :)
I have to say that I played the NES and SNES more than the SMS and SG, but I had the most fun with the Genesis. Ranger-X, Sonic, Viewpoint, Rocket Knight...

There were some great games for the Genesis...