Gp32 On Gamezville Sky1 Now

Just about to post about this beaten to it lol.

It was a pretty brief review.

Showed a bit of Pinball Dreams and talked about the GP32 being able to be used as a mobile player, pda? and mentioned the emulators.

Better than a GBA according o the reviewer :P

I never watch the show as it`s well crap but i`ve been ill all week and have been reduced to daytime TV :(

Funnily enough I saw my friend in the audience of the show yesterday.
I have no idea what they were doing there, she has no interest in games, mind you if she did she probably wouldnt have been there lol :)

It really is an awful show.

No axeman interview then?

They asked for, and I sent them that GP32, about 6 months ago so they could do an 'urgent' feature on it.

Oh well, better late than never.

Nah no Axeman interview :( It did pop up GP32 supplied by GBAX and had your web addy tho so sales could go up Craig :)

They mentioned being able to play many old systems c64 and SNES I believe were mentioned specifically and they at least rated the system highly.
A pity they didn't show the likes of Her Knights although Pinball Dreams looked rather slick and smooth compared to most moblile gaming rubbish. They also made mention of the large screen although didn't mention resolution.

All in all considering what a sad program it is the result was better than I expected. When the presenter bloke asked the lad playing on it what he'd rather have between the GP32 and a GBA he said the GP32.
i remember you telling us craig but jeez i would of be pi**ed off if i gave them somthing outta good will and they do nothing about it.

it was a good spot but could of been better e.g better game or movies on it.
yeah they drag people off the street to fill they're "game" room and they wouldn't get you give a good demo of its full power.

And i wanted you to call the guru a tosser.
Axeman posted on Apr 10 2004 at 07:55 PM said:
To be honest, I'm a bit miffed that they didn;t get back to me about that interview. I mean, they were the ones that wanted me to come on!

Ah well...
*hugs Axeman*

Atleast you didnt have to go on the show.. its crap imo. I want Gamepad 2.. dunno why but when drunk Violet looks really hot :blink:
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Yeah massive tits but dodgy face :blink: And incredibly dodgy voice hahahhaha


Annoyed that I watched 45mins of that crap prog to see a 2min GP32 feature lol