How Advanced Is Mame?

Billy Lee

Dec 16, 2003
I've read that GP32 MAME plays only very old games like Space Invaders. However, about a year ago, a British show called Gamezville featured a GP32 and they had Final Fight playing on it. It was a little slow and jerky but it seemed playable. Can GP32 MAME play games like this? I've just thought now that maybe it was a SNES version but I'm sure they said it was on MAME.
Rlyeh is developing a Mame32 emulator, and it will be his next release, after the ZX Sinclair emulator. In his forums, he said that the fMame maybe could run pre-92 games. I really hope that's for real :)
In Mame32 there are from space invaders to tekken tag tournament. All the arcade games. I just can't imagine me playing ghost and goblins or knights of the round in a gp32 :D
What about a cps1 emu for the gp? I thought I read a snippet about this somewhere... I have seen screens of ghouls and ghost running on a gp32, and now he's saying he saw final fight... the cps1 emu could be a possible explanation.

is there a working cps1 emu out and how good is it?
Keithmcfc posted on Dec 4 2004 at 03:35 PM said:
you mean it mite play metal slug?!?

Or that just not goin to be playable?
Mame runs Metal Slug (1,2,3 and X and maybe more by now) but people shouldn't expect this to run on their GP32.
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Think about how much ram we have on the GP32, then think how big some roms are for mame. Each rom have to be loaded into memory before running.. (unless someone managed to find a super quick method of smc file transfer while I wasnt lokking).
i know i have said it many times before.. but .. i would be psyched to be able to play games like Gaplus and Jr Pacman on GP32. Games that never got a decent port that are still shit-ass fun to play.

plus they're pretty darn old enough that it makes sense that their emulation should be expected to run pretty flawlessly. I have kind of stopped waiting for it though, but anytime a Mame Anything pops up on GP32 it gets my hopes up a little more..!