A question about roms


Still Fresh
Nov 23, 2003
before any site manager type people start telling me off. I'm not asking WHERE to get roms.
Right this is proberbly a stupid qustion, but do normal roms you would use on your pc or do i have to look for GP only roms.
if you mean nes, snes etc roms - then yes, same ones that work on PC work on GP32.

you might have to rename some as GP32 needs 3-letter extensions. so gamegear .gg roms need to be .ggg - also mind that everything needs to be 8 letters in the name.

if you get a card reader this isn't an issue (the 8 letters rule, not sure about the 3 letter extension). make sense?
no, you don't have to find 'special' kind of roms.
a rom is a simple (soft)dup of hardware (better: of its roms, refering to dups of arcadeboards, etc) - so it is of no matter on which platform your emu runs.

anyway - speaking about roms often turns into a big discussion. in my opinion roms are a good thing, if they are *not* misused by pirates and their 'customers'.
f.e.: i own some arcade-pcbs and neogeo-MVS including modules. for myself i sometimes use mame to start a short/fast game without rewiring my boards to the MAK/TV, etc. i own the hardware (i even paid for it), why shouldn't i use a dup of it to make life a bit easier? ok, the games were made to run on a special hardware in an arcade only (often), but i pay for this 'little misuse' with lesser stability and lower quality. you only get a real feeling and much more fun by playing the games on the hardware it was made for - thats a fact!
ralp99: That's wrong. The filenames are UPTO 8 + 3, they don't need to be 8 + 3. So a file such as "game.gg" is perfectly acceptable, no need to rename it to "gamexxxx.ggg". This applies both to pclink and card readers.
Squidge posted on Dec 3 2003 at 12:41 PM said:
ralp99: That's wrong. The filenames are UPTO 8 + 3, they don't need to be 8 + 3. So a file such as "game.gg" is perfectly acceptable, no need to rename it to "gamexxxx.ggg". This applies both to pclink and card readers.
PC-Link won't transfer files with two or one letters in extension, though. Also with a smc reader you can use as long or as short extension as you want. The GP32 will still read it. Even with an 5 letter extension.
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A five letter extension however will cause Windows itself to truncate the filename, so it can insert the required codes to be able to find the rest of the filename. The gp32 does not support this Windows extension, so all you'll get is something like gamexx~1.ggg. It *IS* possible however to write a GP32 file manager that could read filenames from the SMC and display them using the Windows extensions.

Didn't know PC Link itself wouldn't transfer files with a one or two letter extension - that seems like something stupid to enforce?
Thank you everyone for your replys (didn't want to start a fight thuo :o )
helped alot, coz i was going round looking for gp ones only rom, explain why i was not finding anything lol

thanks again
just get the hacked version of PClink from this very site (that is, if you dont have a smc reader). It will let you transfer files with 2 letter extensions and longer than 8 characters. Its much better.....