.fxe Files, Games, What?


Still Fresh
Mar 14, 2004
Ok, so I finally get everything up and running, however, my .fxe files (like doom version 8 and hilicopter game) when uploaded, so not work (aren't recognized in the menu)

Can anyone give me directions to installing .fxe files so that they are recognized? Or point me to a place? Thanks.
Freelauncher. There's my problem ><

Link? (Imma look for it now, but probably won't find it :P)
:lol: You should try researching before buying. I mean, everybody should know that you need to download freelauncher to run .fxe files when they purchase their gp32! Didn't you read a FAQ before you purchased your gp32? Link
Psssh. I saw open source developer game boy like system and clicked the 'buy' button >< I love coding, as my site (newage3.com) will testify to. I make games, and this is a good thing to test out the C skillz on.

However, I can't get some stuff to work :P

GP32 Free Launcher
The Free Launcher is a sofware-based O/S that enables game software on the GP32.It is required to enjoy multimedia functionalities of GP32.
For security purposes, the Free Launcher software has encryption protection that requires all GP32 modules to be authenticated via Authentication Wizard in order to download this software.

Yeah, and, it says I gotta regit, and I have! :@ :P

Edit #2

Got the file, installing, bleh, I suck, it FINALLY let me (10 tries huh?)

I'll keep you |337s updated with my noobishness, thanks!
lol, it took me forever to get mine up and running. i got mine last thursday and finally went to the gp32emu FAQ. i would read that and it should help you out more.
yeah same here. xp didnt want to install the drivers for me. so after i rebooted twice and just tried pluggin my gp32 into my pc it finally started to work. and installed the drivers.
Hmmm. Well I read the online docs before I received mine, lurked on the forums, checked out most of the "My GP won't work" threads, and it worked almost immediately (required a reboot and some usb crap that none of my other usb devices have needed, but nothing major).

Today I also put up some Ikea furniture USING the instructions too... :rolleyes:
lol, THATS NOT FUNNY :angry:
well maybe it is just a little, i read as much as i could before i got mine. but i rebooted xp and it wouldnt install the drivers. then i rebooted again and then it allowed me to install the drivers.